Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fresno, here we come!

Fresno Leaders! Owners! What's up!

The Fresno Staff is ecstatic about running with you every week. And I'm not talking about the kind of running your hairy P.E. teacher made you do in middle school, I'm referring to the awesome effort each of you are putting in to advancing the kingdom of God. Keep doin' what your doin'! It's working! We may not see every bit of sacrifice and hard work you put in, but God certainly does. The Bible says that God will not be mocked, whatever a man sows, that is what he will reap. We are excited to see an awesome harvest reaped in your life :).

Below are a few updates to keep you informed and pumped about what's going on- Bon Appetite!

Beautiful September is almost complete, but the party isn't quite over yet! Here are a few events to participate in:

• Rummage Sale
New Fresno Campus
Saturday, September 24th, 7am-12pm
Come out and buy people's..........stuff, to help raise money for our new building!

• Invite Challenge
Fresno Campus
Thursday, September 29th, 6:30pm
Let's see our city saved! So many just in our neighborhood are lost and hurting- you can be the one to change that...

• FSU vs. BSU Game/Tailgate
Fresno State Stadium
Friday, October 7th, 5pm (ok, technically not in September)
$25 per person (food and ticket)
This is an event for the whole family! Come support our Fresno State Bulldogs and hangout with the coolest people in town! (Celebration folks of course)

Wednesday Nights have about as much ZING and POW as the old school Batman series, so if you've been missing the action don't worry, you can still tune in. We've got three more sessions left of our Workshops that you can join in on and I don't know if I'm supposed to say anything, but rumor has it that our next Men's workshop will be one of our best ones yet- and that's saying a lot!

There are just some things in life you don't miss. Like your child being born, or a job interview, or how about your first high school date with Toddy the Hotty??? Well this coming Friday night prayer service with Damon Thompson (September 30th) is a service you don't miss. It's that simple. Your bowl of cereal and T.V. will be waiting for you when you get home I promise, but it's imperative that you don't miss your moment! Pastor always says that life is made of moments and this is a weekend that we are crossing a finish line. We are stepping into a new season and we want you there for it. Even if you are scheduled to serve don't let that keep you from releasing faith- these promises are for you, just as much as they are for the rest of the congregation. Let's have some BIG faith for this BIG, BIG weekend!

Join the fun of our Invite Challenge. Nothing on earth is more satisfying than seeing people come to Jesus Christ and you can be a part of the army of people saturating our city with invitations. Gas stations, restaurants, soccer practice, the office- all places that you can slip an invite card into the hand of an unsuspecting bystander or friend. Not so that they can experience a church, but so that they can experience a real, tangible relationship with the God that created them...that's what it's all about.

We are so glad you took the time to read this blog and stay updated with your Fresno Campus. However, there is one last step we would like you to take. When you have a chunk of time (30-40 min.) please do yourself a favor and listen to Matthew Barnett's message called, "Finding the Cause Within You." This powerful message will fuel an empty soul and cause the dreams you have to come to life. Our staff was rocked the day we listened to this and we want to share it with you. So here's the link- Bon Appetite!

Finding the Cause Within You (number 10)


Fresno Staff