Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, December 20, 2012

blog 12-21-12

Christmas Weekend is Here!

It’s a fact that for many people, Christmas and Easter are the only two times a year they will consider attending church.  So, these services are a major opportunity to see the people in your life accept Christ.  Now is the time to start inviting your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and heck, even strangers because this weekend is designed for the lost.  Pastor Randy will be delivering the message, there’s going to be complimentary cookies and hot chocolate, Santa will be visiting again, and even the kids from our children’s ministry will be performing for us.  So, make sure you’re inviting people to this can’t miss weekend!

Holiday Schedule
So that you can spend some well-deserved time with the family during the holidays, we have modified our schedule.  There will not be morning prayer from Tuesday, December 25th – Tuesday, January 1st.  We will additionally not have evening prayer on the Wednesdays of those weeks.

Damon Thompson Returns This January!
After some holiday R&R, we’re coming back in full force the first weekend of January.  Damon will be delivering the message Saturday and Sunday night.  This is another incredible opportunity to invite the people in your life that you know need Jesus.  If you’ve ever been to one of these services, you know that they are powerful, and nearly impossible to walk out of there unchanged by the presence of God.  Be part of someone’s encounter with God, and bring them!

Pool Party in the New Year!
Coming out of the Christmas service and Damon meetings, we’re in high expectation for a record number of salvations, which means a bunch of people who need to get dunked, I mean, water baptized!  This is an important step in a believer’s relationship with Christ, so we encourage you to attend and celebrate with them on Wednesday, January 9th at 7 pm on the Clovis campus.  Water baptism isn’t just for new believers, so if you’ve never been water baptized, or you have in the past but feel that it’s something you should do again now, sign-ups will be available in the lobby.

Volunteer of the Week is…Yvonne Adams!

Yvonne is a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the greeters team.  We appreciate her heart to make people feel welcomed and loved as they step onto our campus, and her willingness to take on whatever additional task is asked of her.  We love you, Yvonne!!

As always, we love all of you.  Thank you for bringing life, fun, and heart to this campus.  Place your expectation high for what God is going to do in your life, and in the lives of people who come to our services this weekend.  We’re taking this valley for Christ!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

blog 12-14-12

It’s finally here!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty or nice this year—if you’re a Fresno campus volunteer, then the Christmas party on Friday, December 14th is for you!  It starts at 7 pm, and will be in the Big KIC sanctuary.  Don’t forget to bring your team’s designated food item, and your “A” game for the most creative Santa contest because we hear it’s getting wild!  We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

It’s more blessed to give than to receive…

You still have an opportunity to give by hooking up with Celebrate Family and Hope for the Holidays!  This is the last weekend to “adopt” a child from Celebration that is in need this year.  By your giving, you will make Christmas possible for their family.  You can additionally purchase a toy to be donated for Hope for the Holidays, the mayor’s effort to provide Christmas gifts to children in need in our community.  All gifts for either Celebrate Family or Hope for the Holidays are due this Wednesday, December 19th.  For more information, to sponsor a child, or drop off a gift, see the Events and Outreach table in the lobby.

On the Wall Prayer schedule for the holidays!

If you haven’t been joining us on Wednesday nights for prayer, you’re missing out!  It’s a powerful time of worship, and an opportunity to release your voice and declare the Word over the people of Celebration and the valley.  Your last opportunity to be a part of prayer this year is next Wednesday, December 19th from 7-8 pm.  Enjoy the two following Wednesdays with your family!

Damon Thompson returns in the new year!

As promised, Damon will be back in the first weekend of January on Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th.  So, start inviting now!  We all have a family member/friend/coworker who hasn’t accepted Christ that just needs the opportunity to experience the presence of God.  This is your chance to invite them to a place where that can happen.  It’s time to get bold!

Volunteer of the Week is…Jessica Calles!

The old adage is true—good things come in small packages!  Jessica is a small but mighty member of the KIC team.  She serves with passion and enthusiasm, willing to go beyond the call of duty to minister to the children of Celebration.  Thank you, Jessica!
Thank you, leaders!  We love you and are so thankful for each and every one of you.  Let's make it a great weekend!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

blog 12-7-12

You are the BEST!

Thank you, Fresno leaders, for stepping up and inviting people to the special services this past weekend. A very special thank you to everyone of you that also served at one of the evening services.  Your willingness to go the extra mile allowed for God to move and for hundreds of people to make a decision for Christ.  We absolutely count it a privilege and honor to link arms with you and expand the Kingdom of God!

Ce-le-brate good times, c’mon!

The Volunteer Christmas Party is almost here! This is our way of celebrating the holidays with our favorite people—you!  It will be on the Fresno campus on Friday, December 14th at 7 pm. Come hungry and ready to laugh; it’s going to be a party to remember. We hope you’re coming up with some great costume ideas for the most creative Santa contest with your team!  And, don’t forget to bring your designated food item.  Mark your calendars and we will see you there!

Celebrate Family & Hope for the Holidays

Time is running out! We currently have 197 children, connected to our ministry, that are in need this Christmas.  Let’s share the love of God by providing their families with the resources they need, and making this a Christmas they won’t forget! For more information, or to sponsor a child, see the Events and Outreach table.  We are also partnering with Hope for the Holidays, so you have another opportunity to give back by purchasing a toy, and dropping it off at the Events and Outreach table.  Thank you for doing your part!

Water Baptisms
You heard right; we are having another pool party! Water baptisms will be on January 9th at the Clovis campus. If you, or someone you know, would like to get baptized, sign-ups will be at the connection tables this weekend.  Our water baptism services are always very powerful, and a significant experience for those getting baptized.  These people are part of our Celebration family, so we encourage you to come and celebrate with us that night.

Word Works and Mens return in the new year!

It’s time to bring your appetite—for the Word, and the delicious food too!  These nights are a wonderful opportunity to grow spiritually, build relationships and have a ton of fun.  They will be kicking off Wednesday, January 16th at 7 pm.

The Volunteer of the Week is…Eddie Portillo!

Eddie (aka Vickie's daddy!) is a beloved and faithful leader.  He was a longtime volunteer with the parking team, braving scorching summer heat and chilly, rainy winters with a smile.  Recently, he became a wonderful addition to the usher team.  Wherever he is serving, he brings his warm, loving personality and heart to serve people.  We love you, Eddie!

We love and value each of you!  Let’s make this a great weekend!