Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello Team!

HELLO Fresno Campus Volunteers! Allie here! I just wanted to say THANK YOU! With your help and prayers, hundreds of lives were touched by God this past weekend and their lives will never be the same! As I stood over by KIC watching as families came to have an encounter with God this weekend, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride well up inside of me as I watched many of you escorted people across the parking lot with umbrellas. Many of you had wet feet and cold hands as you sacrificed your own comfort to touch the people coming onto the Fresno Campus. This past weekend, we had an amazing amount of connect cards turned in and I am confident that those decisions had a lot to do with the experience that the people had beginning as soon as they drove their cars onto the campus. From parking cars to passing the offering buckets to ministering to kids, God uses EVERYTHING that you do to draw people unto Himself. I am so excited for what lies before us as we continue to grow and are able to influence a greater amount of people on the Northwest side of Fresno. The new Fresno building sits before us waiting to be the stomping grounds for numerous signs, wonders and miracles.

Don’t lose sight of the promises that were spoken to the body of Celebration; salvation of 21,000 people, a Latino revival and freedom in the valley! The mandate of Celebration gets even more defined as direction comes to the leadership of Celebration. Thank you for your patience and support as we change and develop the structure of Celebration to connect to what God is doing and is going to do through us in this valley. Your involvement in the ministry teams of Celebration and what you do within your own personal realm of influence is an integral part of achieving that mandate. Without your prayers and dedication, it would be much harder for Celebration to do what it does and reach as many people as we are able to. Each weekend, the names of the people that give their lives to Christ are on your account. The breakthrough that you are believing and asking God for is right around the corner. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:13 that when we seek God we will find Him when we seek Him with all of our heart. Continue to run after God! God is so much bigger than the problems that you are facing. Your decision to give God your time, talent and treasure is at work for you; even at this very moment as you are reading this.

Again, THANK YOU for everything that you are doing week in and week out. I am honored to be a part of the team that is impacting lives here at the Fresno Campus. Be in GREAT expectation for this coming weekend. New people ARE going to be on campus and people ARE going to be healed, delivered and set free.

It is going to be a great weekend! See you Sunday!

Allie and the Fresno Campus staff

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