Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hey, guys and gals! Here are some of this week's updates:

1) The water baptisms at our Fresno campus this past Wednesday were amazing. We had 84 people baptized total between both campuses. 42 of those were in our very own sanctuary!! That's huge considering this is the first time in over 5 years that baptisms have taken place INSIDE the Fresno sanctuary! It really was so exciting to be a part of. Remember, whether it's baptisms, On The Wall Prayer, our men's group or Word Works, make plans to be at church, and a part of Wednesday nights.

2) This weekend is going to be power packed:
Matthew Barnett, Saturday night
Glen Berteau, Sunday night
Pastor Randy, Sunday morning
So, no matter what your flavor, there is something for everyone. And, guess what? God will be in every service! Pastor Randy is so excited about this weekend's special speakers that he told us, "If you had to choose a service to be in, go to Saturday or Sunday night. We want to show our support and pack those services out." This doesn't mean that Pastor isn't going to be fired up on Sunday morning-- he just wants us, as the body, to invite someone to church this weekend and make it a success!!

3) Easter weekend push is here. After this weekend, we only have one more week till Easter!! Woohoo!! So, grab your invite cards and party flyers, get on your computer and e-vite...heck, go and stand on a street corner and get the word out!! We have prizes, giveaways and fun for every person you know. Don't keep this to yourself--go tell somebody!!

Thank you for being the best volunteers in the valley!! We would never want to do this without you!

Fresno Campus Staff

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23

Just so everyone is on the same page...we should all have Easter on the brain! ;-)We are believing to reach anywhere from 9-10 thousand people. As leaders, you have made the commitment to do your part to see souls saved, and we want others to join in the cause also. Encourage those who are part of Celebration, but aren't serving in an area, to get involved and volunteer for the Easter services. Let them know there are perks to serving!

We have created some incentives:

•Invite challenge: Tweet your best invite story and hashtag it #CCEaster. We will pick one winner DAILY to receive a $10 gift card.

•Serve: Every volunteer that serves in 3 or more services will automatically be put into a drawing to win a $200 prize!!

•Get people to service: We will have a drawing for the first time visitors at each Easter service where they can win a gift card.

Water Baptisms!!
It's this coming Wednesday, and we are holding it at our own campus this time. It's going to be awesome! There is still time for people to join in. We will have sign-up sheets at our outdoor lobby and at Guest Services, so, if you or someone you know wants to "get dunked", then get signed up!

Vision is what can make or break a team, so if you are feeling a little weary, come talk to one of the Fresno campus staff and let us give you some fresh vision. We thank you for helping us lead this movement!!

Your Fresno campus staff

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fresno Volunteers,

Thank you so much for making On The Wall Prayer a success. It is awesome to have your voice up on the platform. It is important as leaders to give people an example to follow, and you have done a phenomenal job of that. Keep using your influence to help us raise up the next generation of believers in this movement.

As staff, we have been keeping up with the Seeds Church Conference in Tulsa, OK. Willie George gave great perspective on the role leaders are to fulfill in the church. We as matured believes are like parents.  He gave an example of what it feels like as a parent when your child's face lights up with excitement on Christmas morning.  Your joy no longer comes from what you get, like the child, but what you are able to give.  We should approach those who are new to Celebration in the same manner, because they too are like children, with an excitement of what the service has in store for them.  When the newcomer is saved, it is your opportunity to experience joy.  This is what is meant by the phrase, "it is more blessed to give than it is to receive."  Remember our goal is to see the people of this valley set free, and our opportunity to do that is every weekend.

Also, help us mentor those who have recently given their life to Christ. We are all connected to the head and ultimately connected to the "true vine", which is Christ, so let’s follow his command of us and make disciples, not just converts.

We love you all very much and want to help you in any way possible.  If you have a need, please let us know.

Fresno Campus Staff

Friday, March 2, 2012

Special service weekend!

Hey Volunteers!
This weekend is going to be huge with Damon Thompson being here on Saturday night and Sunday, make sure we are all inviting someone who is not saved to attend, the harvest is great and you are the laborers. We believe that you will have Devine encounters with unbelievers specifically designed to bring in the harvest of souls this weekend. Remember to come expecting God to do something in your lives as you are in service this weekend. Try to double up on attending services this weekend, you know Damon will have something amazing and different on both nights just for you.

We have workshops starting this next week, Dave Ramsey teaching on finances on tuesday, and pre-marriage on Wednesday. If you want to be part please tell your leader or a staff member as soon as possible space is limited and packets that you get to keep need to be purchased. Also on wednesdays will be on the wall prayer, this is your chance to use your voice to release the power of God into the atmosphere of this valley. We look forward to seeing all of you there.

Last but never least, we want to say a big THANK YOU for positioning your self for the blessings of God by serving.