Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hey, guys and gals! Here are some of this week's updates:

1) The water baptisms at our Fresno campus this past Wednesday were amazing. We had 84 people baptized total between both campuses. 42 of those were in our very own sanctuary!! That's huge considering this is the first time in over 5 years that baptisms have taken place INSIDE the Fresno sanctuary! It really was so exciting to be a part of. Remember, whether it's baptisms, On The Wall Prayer, our men's group or Word Works, make plans to be at church, and a part of Wednesday nights.

2) This weekend is going to be power packed:
Matthew Barnett, Saturday night
Glen Berteau, Sunday night
Pastor Randy, Sunday morning
So, no matter what your flavor, there is something for everyone. And, guess what? God will be in every service! Pastor Randy is so excited about this weekend's special speakers that he told us, "If you had to choose a service to be in, go to Saturday or Sunday night. We want to show our support and pack those services out." This doesn't mean that Pastor isn't going to be fired up on Sunday morning-- he just wants us, as the body, to invite someone to church this weekend and make it a success!!

3) Easter weekend push is here. After this weekend, we only have one more week till Easter!! Woohoo!! So, grab your invite cards and party flyers, get on your computer and e-vite...heck, go and stand on a street corner and get the word out!! We have prizes, giveaways and fun for every person you know. Don't keep this to yourself--go tell somebody!!

Thank you for being the best volunteers in the valley!! We would never want to do this without you!

Fresno Campus Staff

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