Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, June 8, 2012

Volunteer blog 6-8-12

Cloudy with a Chance of RAIN!
Blue skies, cool breezes, warm rays of the sun...Must be summer!

The RAIN over our lives!
As we begin to make summer plans, host BBQ's in the back yard, and have cannonball contests, let's remember that our summer forecast is RAINY with a sure chance of Presence, Favor and Power! Let's remember not to let rain fall down around us YET not experience the rain ourselves. Instead, let's take hold of this word, so no need for an umbrella; let's get soaked with the Rain of God!

The Word says, "We will have what we say" so here are the confessions Pastor Randy gave for all of us to speak over our lives:

Rain Confessions
God / You are / The source/ Of rain/ According to your word/ I believe/ It is the time for rain/ Therefore/ I ask/ For the summer rain/ I ask you/ For the rain/ Of your presence/ I ask you/ For the rain/ of your favor/ I ask you/ for the rain/ Of your power/ God I ask you/ For the rain/ In my health/ For rain/ In my finances/ And rain in every aspect/ Of my life/ Rain in my life/ Rain in my family/ Rain in my church/ Rain in my city/ God I asking for rain/ In the time of rain/ Therefore/ I'm expecting rain/ I thank you/ For the summer/ RAIN!!!

In other news:

We are excited to announce the initiating of Home Workshops this summer! What in the world does that mean?! It's just another way of saying that we are promoting community this summer! We want to see the people of Celebration getting together outside the four walls of the church and enjoying life together. These Workshops will take place all throughout the week at places outside of the church. They will help us to continue equipping, training, and building community within the Celebration. We will be kicking off these Home Workshops at the end of June. People will get the opportunity to hangout and grow together outside of the four walls of the church, with great leaders facilitating these workshops. We believe they will help establish and develop relationships among our church and really strengthen our campus. So we absolutely need and want your involvement as well as your influence to help get the word out and others connected.. all the details for those will be at the Workshop Table this weekend.

And thank you to everyone for placing importance on reading this blog. We'll see you all this weekend!

Fresno Staff

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