Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog 7-6-12

The ugly season is over! That was a word released by Pastor Randy this last weekend. That’s a word for YOU and your family. It won’t just come to pass, however, because it was spoken. Pastor Randy explained that we need to, “demand by faith what heaven has made available.” Don’t miss what’s happening right now! This IS the summer of rain. Keep believing it, keep declaring it and keep looking for clouds. Go into this next weekend’s services full of faith and expectation that God has a word for this house, and for you personally.

We still have spots available for the most sugar-infused kid’s conference in town, Candy Crave! It’s an all day event on July 20th for grades 3rd-6th. This will be an unforgettable day of fun, but also an opportunity for lasting spiritual impartation. Registration packets are available at the Events and Outreaches table. Don’t let your child miss this day!

Our volunteer of the week is….(drumroll)………Brina Harwood! Make sure you tell her congrats! In addition to being a working girl and supermom of four children, she has taken the helm of the Celebration bookstore by managing, as well as opening up her house to host one of our home workshops this summer. We appreciate you, Brina!

To all you leaders, know that we love you, we’re in the fight with you and looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

Fresno Campus Staff

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