Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, January 31, 2013

blog 2-1-13

A special thank you to those leaders that joined us at the united healing service this last Wednesday night. God's presence was there, people were healed, and no doubt you will never receive communion the same again! The key thought that night was how important it is to love and value God AND love and value people, and to judge ourselves if we are failing in one of those areas. Let's not forget what we heard, and be people that constantly check our heart, and passionately love God and others!

This is THE Big Weekend!

No, I'm not talking about that silly Super Bowl! I'm talking about Damon Thompson being back with us all weekend! That's right- he's not only speaking Saturday and Sunday night. He's going to be ministering at the Sunday morning services too.

What does that mean for you? Well, that means you have even more opportunity to be strengthened and ministered to, as well as all the people that you're going to invite who desperately need to know the Lord. Remember, as believers and leaders we have to stay on mission and realize that we live where we live, work where we work, and have the family and friends that we do because we are called to reach them and introduce them to Jesus! Let's pack those services out and see record numbers of people get saved!! And, of course, we plan on having some fun. In honor of the big game this weekend, show some pride for your team, and rock a jersey Sunday morning!

It's Finally Here!

Word Works and Mens make their long awaited return this coming Wednesday right on the Fresno campus at 7 pm! Pastor Randy personally selected the curriculum, and we believe it will make a huge impact on your spiritual growth and effectiveness as believers. Plus, we have FUN and build relationships. So, come on out, and invite people, especially those who are new on campus and looking to get connected.

Volunteer of the Week is....Araceli Rey!

Araceli is best known as the bubbly barista serving in the coffee bar on the weekends. She is also a table leader for Word Works. Her infectious enthusiasm is an example to everyone of how joyful it is to serve. Araceli, thank you for your hard work and dedication. We love you and appreciate you!

We love all of YOU! Thank you for your commitment and heart to serve. Let's make this a great weekend!

Friday, January 25, 2013

blog 1-25-13

Who Can? YOU Can!

This weekend we continue with the awesome "I Can" series. These messages are the building blocks for you to have not just another year but a NEW year. Come with excitement and expectation! Even more important than that, be inviting the people in your life who need hope, and ultimately Jesus.

Night of Healing

Our final day of fasting and uniting in the evening is this Wednesday on the Clovis campus at 7pm. Pastor Randy said this night will be specifically for those who need any form of healing in their life. If you need healing, make sure you're there, and if you know someone who does, be bringing them!

Damon Thompson Returns this February!

Don't miss the special services coming the first weekend of February. These gatherings are a powerful time where vision is given, passion for God is rekindled, and countless people accept Christ. It's the perfect opportunity to bring the lost people in your life, as well as have a personal encounter with God.
Start talking, texting, tweeting, Facebooking, and inviting NOW!

Mens and Word Works Starting Soon!

There will be something for the whole family on the Fresno campus beginning Wednesday, February 6th at 7pm! Men, you still have an opportunity for discounted early bird registration. Visit the connection tables this weekend to get signed up!

Volunteers of the Week are...Jason and Jenny Boggs!

Along with faithfully serving on weekend teams, Jason and Jenny generously lend their time, talents, and even their home to other Celebration ministries. Thank you for loving and serving the people of this church. We love and value you both!

It seems the running theme in this week's blog is to personally attend gatherings, and to invite people. Please know, we don't ask you to come because we like to fill your schedule-- we ask because we know that God has something for you there. Because you believe you're called to be a part of Celebration, words that are released over this house are for you and affect you. Your destiny and your blessing are tied to this church. We ask you to come because we know it's to your benefit if you do.

In addition, we ask you to invite because it's no longer just about you. You're saved. You might have struggles, but the most important thing is that your eternity is secured and you have a right relationship with Christ. Now, your call as a believer and a leader is to seek and save those who are lost. One of the easiest ways is to get someone to a service where they experience God's presence, learn about Jesus, and have the opportunity to accept Him. There is no greater joy as a believer than to invite someone and then see them get saved.

We love you, and we are committed to seeing you fulfill your purpose. Know that we as a campus staff are here for you and believe in you.

Let's make this a great weekend!

Friday, January 18, 2013

blog 1-18-12

Leaders, Assemble!

Hey, it works for The Avengers! But, we are putting out the call for you to gather for an important and fun host team training this Saturday, January 19th at 9am on the Fresno campus. This is a great opportunity to hear vision and strengthen as a team. We look forward to seeing you there!

I Can...Get it Back!

Get what back? Find out this weekend as Pastor Randy continues his "I Can" series. Be inviting people to one of these powerful services that are sure to encourage and impact lives!

Fasting for Breakthrough

Join us in fasting from "sun up to church out" on Wednesdays during the month of January. Pastor Randy taught this last Wednesday night that the powerful three-strand cord in our spiritual lives is praying, giving, and fasting, and doing all three produces breakthrough and rewards, individually, as well as a church body. End your fasting day by joining us at the Clovis campus from 7-8pm for a time of prayer, worship and communion.

Mens and Word Works Returns in February!

Yep, it's almost time to divide and conquer (spiritually). These nights are a great time to grow, build relationships, grub, and have fun. Men, you can visit the connection tables now and actually enroll early to receive a discount on your registration!

Volunteer of the Week is...Shay Woods!

Shay is a dedicated member of the 2sm team. We appreciate her passion and commitment to reaching the next generation. Be sure to go by the 2spot and thank her this weekend. We love you, Shay!

And, we love each and every one of YOU! Thank you for your commitment and passion. What you do makes a difference in the lives of others and has eternal value.

Let's make this a great weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

blog 1-11-13

A special thank you to all of you who came out this last Wednesday and supported those who were getting baptized!  It’s because of you that a young man could sit in that baptismal and say that he was nervous but he could feel the love and support of everyone in that room.  You make the difference in the lives of other people.

Leaders are Readers!
Of the Word, that is. Hook up with the Bible reading plan that we’re doing together as a church.  The reading plan enables you to read through the entire New Testament in a year’s time.  It’s short, simple, and infuses the Word into your life 5 days a week.  (You get the weekend off because that’s when we’ll all be getting plenty of Word together at church!)  Click here Bible Reading Plan to download a PDF of the plan, or visit Guest Services to get a printed copy.  The more consistent Word you get into your life, the more effective and successful you become as a believer.  So, get ready to have the greatest year of your life!

Unite on Wednesdays
For the month of January, we have a couple of great opportunities to join together and contend for breakthrough as a church, and in our individual lives.  First, Pastor Randy has invited everyone to join him in fasting on Wednesdays from “sun up to church out”.  In morning prayer this week he targeted some areas that these day fasts are for: answers and wisdom, strength and power, financial breakthrough, and healing.  The other great thing to be a part of on Wednesdays is the united service at the Clovis campus at 7 pm.  These services are going to be a night of prayer, worship, and communion.  Pastor Randy was led to have these services and rearranged the schedule to make sure that those who consider Celebration their home church and are believing big could gather together and declare that this is not just another year, but a new year!

Calling all college-aged peeps!
Did you know that there’s an awesome trip planned just for you?!  You have to opportunity to go to a live taping of Let’s Make a Deal in Los Angeles, and there’s still time to sign up.  Visit the connection tables on Wednesday or this weekend to get signed up!

New Year, New Message
Pastor Randy is fired up about this year, and has a message for you this weekend.  Make sure you’re there and inviting people!  Many people have made resolutions to start attending church, and they’re just waiting for you to open your mouth and lead them to the place that’s going to change their life.  Speak boldly, and come with expectation this weekend!

Volunteer of the Week is….Michelle Lara!
Michelle is a beloved and faithful member of the greeting team.  She’s always smiling, regardless of the weather, and makes everyone who comes onto our campus feel truly welcomed and valued.  We love you and value YOU, Michelle!
Let’s make this a great weekend, leaders!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blog 1-4-13

Special service weekend
It’s a new year, out with the old and in with the new! Damon is fired up about the new year, this weekend will transform your life. Damon will be bringing the message Saturday and Sunday night, and Pastor Randy will bring the message Sunday morning. Be a part of someone’s story and Invite them to these weekend services! Your life and theirs will never be the same!

Water Baptisms
It’s a cool pool party! Literally… We will be starting off the new year right with water baptisms, Jan 9th at 7 P.M on our Clovis campus. Getting water baptized is essential in our walk with Christ and an amazing experience. If you would like to get baptized or are just interested in learning more about it, then sign up under the tent at a table or at our visitor lounge out on the patio.

That’s right we are at it again! Mens & Word Works will be starting Jan 16! There will be food, fun and some great teaching. So don’t miss out on the early bird special for mens $20 for the entire 8 week session! Sign up this weekend at our workshops table. See you there!

Game On! Junior high and High school peeps, 2SM will be going to a basketball game on Jan 16th. This is the last weekend to get your money in. Go to the 2 Spot for more details.

Young adults and college we are going to Hollywood! We will be taking a trip to see a filming of “Lets Make A Deal” on Jan 25th. The cost to go is $25 and the last day to pay is Jan 20th. If you are interested in going, sign up at our events and outreaches table.

50+ we will be having a get together on Jan 11th, if you are interested or know some one who is, go to the events table for more information.