Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, January 25, 2013

blog 1-25-13

Who Can? YOU Can!

This weekend we continue with the awesome "I Can" series. These messages are the building blocks for you to have not just another year but a NEW year. Come with excitement and expectation! Even more important than that, be inviting the people in your life who need hope, and ultimately Jesus.

Night of Healing

Our final day of fasting and uniting in the evening is this Wednesday on the Clovis campus at 7pm. Pastor Randy said this night will be specifically for those who need any form of healing in their life. If you need healing, make sure you're there, and if you know someone who does, be bringing them!

Damon Thompson Returns this February!

Don't miss the special services coming the first weekend of February. These gatherings are a powerful time where vision is given, passion for God is rekindled, and countless people accept Christ. It's the perfect opportunity to bring the lost people in your life, as well as have a personal encounter with God.
Start talking, texting, tweeting, Facebooking, and inviting NOW!

Mens and Word Works Starting Soon!

There will be something for the whole family on the Fresno campus beginning Wednesday, February 6th at 7pm! Men, you still have an opportunity for discounted early bird registration. Visit the connection tables this weekend to get signed up!

Volunteers of the Week are...Jason and Jenny Boggs!

Along with faithfully serving on weekend teams, Jason and Jenny generously lend their time, talents, and even their home to other Celebration ministries. Thank you for loving and serving the people of this church. We love and value you both!

It seems the running theme in this week's blog is to personally attend gatherings, and to invite people. Please know, we don't ask you to come because we like to fill your schedule-- we ask because we know that God has something for you there. Because you believe you're called to be a part of Celebration, words that are released over this house are for you and affect you. Your destiny and your blessing are tied to this church. We ask you to come because we know it's to your benefit if you do.

In addition, we ask you to invite because it's no longer just about you. You're saved. You might have struggles, but the most important thing is that your eternity is secured and you have a right relationship with Christ. Now, your call as a believer and a leader is to seek and save those who are lost. One of the easiest ways is to get someone to a service where they experience God's presence, learn about Jesus, and have the opportunity to accept Him. There is no greater joy as a believer than to invite someone and then see them get saved.

We love you, and we are committed to seeing you fulfill your purpose. Know that we as a campus staff are here for you and believe in you.

Let's make this a great weekend!

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