Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, May 10, 2013

Blog 5/10/13

Welcome to Fresno in the springtime! 
The forecast for Sunday is a cool 100 degrees so come on out to the early service if you're not serving this weekend! Pastor Cherie is speaking, we will have snow cones after service, and lots of other great elements for Mother's Day weekend.  

As you know we've had a couple Wednesday night Healing School sessions that have been amazing. It's been such a great time getting God's truth about healing in our life. For the rest of the summer we are now encouraging everyone to get involved in C-Groups. If you haven't plugged into a C-Groups yet, then you need to dive in! We have too much going on to include in this blog, so just stop by the table this weekend and check out one of the 35 groups that we have going.

If you don't see something you want to be a part of, start your own! It's simple-- just figure out what you love to do, and then let others join in! If you are passionate about personal or spiritual development, start a resource group and let others take the journey with you. If you just want to have fun, start an activity group. If you want to go make a difference in this community, start an outreach group and rally people for the cause. This is how we connect and grow as a body of believers. This is what the Bible calls the church to be.

C-20 Basketball Tournament
It's is coming up, so if you like to ball it up, then go sign up at the table out in the lobby.  All the details are at the table so stop by and get the skinny. 

Volunteer of the Week is....Morgan Ogletree!!! 
Morgan doesn't just faithfully serves at the outreach table on the weekends; she is truly passionate about touching lives and meeting needs in the community.  She's personally gone on a number of Celebration sponsored outreaches, and was recently accepted to the L.A. Dream Center internship program!  She'll be leaving us to go to the Dream Center this summer, and we're so excited for what God has in store for her there.  We love you, Morgan!

Let's make this a great weekend!

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