Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, September 27, 2013


FRESNO LEADERS! There are never enough words in the English language to express how thankful we are for you and for everything that you’re doing to advance the kingdom of God in this city. Each one of you are so unique and  play such avital role in creating an atmosphere for people to be impacted, and we are THANKFUL!

Just yesterday at our Men's Workshop, one of our G4:2 students talked to someone that is very new to the church. The "new" individual said that immediately as he stepped foot onto our campus he felt like he was home. Because everyone was so warm and friendly and hospitable, he was able to let his guard down and experience God in a very real way. That’s awesome! Thank you Volunteers for making that possible!

We want to hear how Volunteering at Celebration Church has impacted your life! Here are some potential questions you can ask yourself to get the ball rolling:

What has God done in your life since you’ve started serving?

What healthy relationships have been developed?

Have you had the opportunity to see someone impacted as a result of your service?

What’s the best part about Volunteering?

We would love to hear your responses! Some of these replies may be read in one of our services or used in this blog, so please don’t hesitate to send them in! Please e-mail them to

This weekend we will be having our once a month, Volunteer Orientation! We will be sharing the vision and “why” behind volunteering, and some other great information that you need to know. If you haven’t attended the orientation yet, you need to be there!

This is also a great opportunity to get someone “plugged-in” if they aren't already. If volunteering has changed your life for the better let’s get others involved too!

The orientation will take place after our 11:30 Sunday morning service.

Last weekend, Pastor Randy continued with our awesome Forward series, but left us with a cliffhanger! He explained that we need a rod in our hand to move forward, and I don't know about you but I'm excited to find out what that rod is!

We want to encourage you, don't look back at the past but to press your way into the abundant life God has for you! There are amazing promises that God has given us corporately and also individually, so let's march into our Promised Land and take em!

As we are encouraged, it's our job as leaders to encourage some one else. Let's use our influence to get people there this weekend. They need to know that God has great plans for them as they keep moving FORWARD!

Men's and Word Works on Wednesday's
If you missed the first night of Word Works and Men's you definitely missed out on a great night. There were so many people and we had a blast! There is still plenty of time for you to jump in,so don't miss this week! starts at 7pm


Jordan Summers

Jordan is a part of our KIC team at the Fresno Campus.She has an amazing heart and has definitely been impacting the lives of so many kids!! Thank you Jordan for pouring into the next generation! We love you and appreciate you so much!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Whether in sports, business, or life there is usually a common thread between those who succeed and those who don't. The person who has the "never quit" mentality, the teammate who has the "No "I"  in team attitude, and the business man who won't take "no" for an answer, often have something in common, they are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES.
 As a leader, as a parent, as a spouse, as an employee and as a follower of Christ are you willing to do what it takes to have God's best in your life? If we are going to move FORWARD we have to ask ourselves how bad do we want it?
How bad do we want more of God? How bad do we want to see people saved? How bad do we want to see signs, wonders and miracles? If we want God bad enough we will do whatever it takes to get more of Him!
Here are a few ways we can do WHATEVER IT TAKES:
1.Put God 1st in all that we do!(Be mindful of God in every choice we make)
2.Prioritize building our relationship with God.(Pray and read our bible daily)
3.Have God's heart for people!(Tell people about Jesus, invite them to church,serve with joy&purpose)

When we seek God first and focus on reaching hurting people God will always take care of our needs!(Matt6:33)
As we go FORWARD let's do WHATEVER IT TAKES to know God more and be more like Him!

News and Events

Celebration Exposed(Newcomers Lunch)
This weekend following the 11:30 service in the 105 meeting room. As you meet new people invite them to come!
For the next several weeks we will be selling forward T-shirts for $12 in our outdoor lobby.
Wednesday Night Men's and Women's
Next Wednesday night starts Word Works and Men's at 7pm at the Fresno Campus. Bring the whole family and this weekend please help us get the word out! We believe these Wednesday nights are going to be life changing!
It is official! Celebration will be having a Halloween Bash on October 31st at the Clovis Location Only. This United event is for you, your families, and whoever you invite! So get the word out! More details to come!

Volunteer of the Week

Julia Sanchez
Julia is an amazing team player on the Greeter Team! She is giving a smile and sincere "hello" to everyone who comes to service! She is one of the reasons so many people feel so welcome when they come to Celebration! Thank you Julia for helping us do whatever it takes to make sure people feel at home here at Celebration! We love you!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Hey Fresno Leaders! First of all we want to thank you for all that you do! You guys truly are awesome! We are believing for great things in your life and we want you to know that we pray for you throughout the week! We believe we are not staying where we are or looking back, but we are moving >>FORWARD!!
We will be continuing the FORWARD series this weekend, and the exciting thing is, this is not just another message, this is what God is ready to do in our lives if we will heed the instructions and mix faith with what He is saying! And guess what, He wants to not only do it in your life, but your family, friends, neighbors and people all over our city! So be Bold, step out of your comfort zone and invite someone to church this weekend!!
If you have never come out to Men's Workshop or Women's Word Works we strongly suggest you make every effort to not miss this session!! The fact of the matter is that your life will be impacted by God's word and building relationships with other men and women is going to enhance your life!! How do we know that? Because that is how God created you! God has made us to live in community; and when we isolate ourselves we are missing the intent of how God designed us! He knows what we need, so trust Him and trust us and bring your family on Wednesday nights, we are sure your family, marriage and personal life will never be the same!!

- $20 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ($25 at the door)
- Wednesdays, September 25th- October 30th (6 weeks)
- Catered dinner and dessert
- Curriculum binders. Include worksheets, resource papers, etc.
- ages High School and Up

- $5
- Wednesdays, September 25th – November 20th (9 weeks)
- Food/Snacks provided by your group.
- Worksheets included
- ages 16 and Up

Childcare provided for birth-6th grade and a homework room available for jr. High and High School.
Our Student Ministries 2SM and C20 are rockin' and rollin' and if you or your kids are not involved they are missing out! Get them there!! 

2SM(Jr. High&High School) currently meets every Tuesday Night at 7pm at the Clovis Campus.
And C20(College and 20's ages 18-29) Meets every Thursday Night 7pm on the Clovis Campus
Also, there will be no service next Wednesday. Wednesdays will start back up on September 25th :)

Volunteer of the Week:
Louis Guerrero
Louis serves on the usher team and is such an asset to the Fresno Campus! He is always ready, willing and most of all HAPPY to help. You can find Louis bringing laughs and fun to the auditorium each weekend! Thank you Louis for your heart for God and love for people, you are making a difference in so many lives and it is an honor to be on the same team with you! We love you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blog 9-5-13

We're Moving FORWARD

Fresno Leaders thank you for taking the time to check out the blog! It is our desire to add value to you first as an individual and as a leader on our campus. Here are a few things to equip you for just that. 


This weekend begins our Forward series with Pastor Randy! The staff understands that most people in life need to move forward from the muck and the mire of life that they are currently in; but we know that this word from God concerning us moving forward has specific ramifications for those that are a part of this movement. There’s no doubt about it!

With that being said, it is imperative for those of us that call Celebration our home to be here for this series. If we are the “leaders” of this campus, then we have the responsibility to be the first to move FORWARD and help lead others; people can only go where their leaders go first.

And just like last week’s post mentioned, it is also our duty and privilege to introduce people not just to church, but to the Creator Himself! Won’t it be wonderful to one day be in Heaven and meet all the people that YOU impacted on Earth? Let’s continue to keep that perspective.


Jesus was a MAN of prayer. The One that who was there at the creation of the universe with God spent A LOT of time praying- fancy that?! I’m guessing we should probably do the same!

Some of you may not understand or be intimidated by the thought of praying. But just like riding a bike, the only way to learn is to hop on and start pedaling! You may not understand everything you need to know, but we can assure you that prayer has become such a huge part of our lives and we want you along for the ride!

Come to the Clovis Campus Wednesday, September 11th, at 7pm and you’ll see what has us hooked!


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to get this party started!

Wednesday, September 25th, at 7pm we will be launching our Fall Workshops that are guaranteed to bring value and help to your life.

So many of you have been a part of these incredible sessions and we need your help to spread the word! Most of you did a great job talking about Miley Cyrus and her.....interesting performance, so I know that you can spread some GOOD words about Men’s and Women’s!