Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Whether in sports, business, or life there is usually a common thread between those who succeed and those who don't. The person who has the "never quit" mentality, the teammate who has the "No "I"  in team attitude, and the business man who won't take "no" for an answer, often have something in common, they are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES.
 As a leader, as a parent, as a spouse, as an employee and as a follower of Christ are you willing to do what it takes to have God's best in your life? If we are going to move FORWARD we have to ask ourselves how bad do we want it?
How bad do we want more of God? How bad do we want to see people saved? How bad do we want to see signs, wonders and miracles? If we want God bad enough we will do whatever it takes to get more of Him!
Here are a few ways we can do WHATEVER IT TAKES:
1.Put God 1st in all that we do!(Be mindful of God in every choice we make)
2.Prioritize building our relationship with God.(Pray and read our bible daily)
3.Have God's heart for people!(Tell people about Jesus, invite them to church,serve with joy&purpose)

When we seek God first and focus on reaching hurting people God will always take care of our needs!(Matt6:33)
As we go FORWARD let's do WHATEVER IT TAKES to know God more and be more like Him!

News and Events

Celebration Exposed(Newcomers Lunch)
This weekend following the 11:30 service in the 105 meeting room. As you meet new people invite them to come!
For the next several weeks we will be selling forward T-shirts for $12 in our outdoor lobby.
Wednesday Night Men's and Women's
Next Wednesday night starts Word Works and Men's at 7pm at the Fresno Campus. Bring the whole family and this weekend please help us get the word out! We believe these Wednesday nights are going to be life changing!
It is official! Celebration will be having a Halloween Bash on October 31st at the Clovis Location Only. This United event is for you, your families, and whoever you invite! So get the word out! More details to come!

Volunteer of the Week

Julia Sanchez
Julia is an amazing team player on the Greeter Team! She is giving a smile and sincere "hello" to everyone who comes to service! She is one of the reasons so many people feel so welcome when they come to Celebration! Thank you Julia for helping us do whatever it takes to make sure people feel at home here at Celebration! We love you!

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