Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hey Everyone!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped pull out the carpet this last Sunday! Our new floors in the sanctuary and lobby are going to be a great upgrade for our fresno campus! We appreciate your willingness to help and your generosity to give, it is because of you that we can keep making God's house better and better and keep moving FORWARD!!



It is finally here! By the time you see the next blog we will have had an amazing time at the Halloween Bash!

It is the final stretch to the day of this BIG event/outreach and there are still a few more things we can do to make sure we help make this the best BASH ever!

1. PRAY. This week pray for this event. Pray that people will come from all over our city and feel Gods love while their on our campus and come back to a weekend service!

2. INVITE!!!!!!!!! Invite anyone and everyone! Your family, your friends, your neighbors, co-workers, fellow shoppers at the store etc.! It is our job to get the word out! :)

 3. EXTRA TIME, EXTRA HELP. If you have some time and you would like to help please do! Here's how:                         
    -This Sarurday: A team will be building doors from 8am-1pm at the Clovis Campus. Any amount of time you can help will be appreciated!
    -This weekend you can still sign up to cover a volunteer shift the night of the BASH. We still need more spots filled.
    - Call the office if you want to help during the week. 
4. CANDY. You can still bring candy this weekend! You can even bring it that day or night as well.

God Encounter



This session of WW and Mens is coming to an end. Make sure you don't miss the last few sessions they are going to be the best ones yet!!
Next Wednesday will be the last night of MENS for this session.
Women's Word Works session ends 11/20/13

Student Ministries and Cgroups

Sign up at the Connection point table and get involved!

                         VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK
                                        Randy Castillo
Randy is a part of the usher team and has been a key player as a men's leader as well. Most commonly known as DJ Randy, his commitment and willingness to serve and to do more than asked is why he is this weeks Volunteer of the week. Thank you Randy for going above and beyond and really taking this ministry to a whole new level! We love you and appreciate all you do!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hey Leaders!! Thank you for checking out this weeks blog!


We know each week comes and goes so quickly that sometimes it's easy to forget what happened the previous week. BUT we have to on purpose fight to hold on to what God is speaking to us! Pastor taught us about having a Rod in our hand last Sunday, have you applied that this week? In order to go forward and see victory in our lives we have to have God's Word in our hand and do what it says!

As leaders, we hope you are placing supreme importance on God's Word! The Bible is God speaking right to us. It brings life, faith, hope, joy, peace and everything we need!

An easy way to make sure you are reading the Bible daily is follow along with our reading plan! You can download this on our website :)

                                 HALLOWEEN BASH!

Leaders Unite!
The Halloween Bash is only 2 weeks away! As the excitement builds and all the preparations continue we need YOU, our amazing leaders, to get INVOLVED! In order to make this event/outreach a hit for our families and our community we are asking that each of you find a way to be apart of this big team effort! Here are some ways to help:

 1.HOST a themed DOOR on Candy Lane. Similar to "trunk or treat" we will have a walk through spot where kids will go door to door and get candy! Each spot on candy lane will have it's own door and area that you can decorate in the theme of your choice! This is one of the highlights of the event!
We are half way to our goal of 25 doors, we encourage you to get some people together and have fun hosting a door!! Sign up at the Halloween Bash table!


2.CANDY! Bring as much candy as you can and drop it off at the Halloween Bash Table.
3.SIGN UP to volunteer at the Bash at the Halloween Bash.

This Sunday we will be pulling out the carpet in the sanctuary!! This is going to be a great upgrade for our Campus and if you are available we would love your help!
This project will start  after the 11:30am service and will continue Monday and Tuesday at 5pm. If you want to help please contact Pastor Rick. 559-275-2083
Thank you!!!

                                              Volunteer of the Week

                                                Brandon and Jamie Kindberg

This couple has brought their teams to a whole new level! Brandon is a part of our Security team and Jamie volunteers in KIC and leads a Word Works table. They are great examples of how one person's presence can make everyone else better! Thank you guys for all that you do! You make this campus better and you are touching so many lives! We love you!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Every week we have another opportunity to keep pressing forward in spite of anything that comes our way! This is our word and we must keep believing it!

If you have ever ran in a race, you know that starting is the easy part, the challenge is to keep going! The battle is to keep running even when your legs are hurting, your lungs are tired and your mind is telling you "STOP!!!!!!!!!" But the person who finishes the race is the one who ignored the pain, pushed through the fatigue, and silenced their quitting thoughts. That is what champions are made of, a mind over matter will to win!

We charge you, don't look back, keeping moving, keep praying, keep believing! When life tries to compell you to stop, refuse to give in! When circumstances try to tell you "It's not going to happen," press past the doubt and grab a hold of God's promises! We can go FORWARD and we will!  God is faithful to us and we will be a faithful people to Him! If He said it, we believe it and that settles it! 

Don't miss this weekend as we continue our FORWARD series! And remember, it's not only about us, invite someone with you!



We are 3 weeks away from our BIG HALLOWEEN BASH!! We are so excited to be able to provide a safe place for you, your families, your guests and our community to come and have a blast on Halloween night! This is such a great opportunity to invite people to church! Although it is not a service, it is still on our campus and it will be facilitated by our awesome volunteer teams!! People will feel the love of God and want to come back!

So we need your help! In order to make this night a blast we would love for you to get involved! Consider one or more of these ways to be a part of this event and outreach!

1. Donate Candy: Bring candy to any weekend or wednesday night service and drop it off at the Halloween Bash table. We will be giving free candy to all of the kids as they walk through our candy lane, so we will need LOTS AND LOTS of candy :)

2. Volunteer at the Bash: We will need plenty of help to facilitate all of the different activities that night.   The Bash will be broken up into shifts. This will allow you to enjoy the event with your family and friends and still be a part of helping as well! Sign up this weekend at the Halloween Bash table.

3. Host a themed DOOR on Candy Lane. Similar to "trunk or treat" we will have a walk through spot where kids will go door to door and get candy! Each spot on candy lane will have it's own door and area that you can decorate in the theme of your choice! This is one of the highlights of the event! This is a great opportunity to gather some people you know(maybe your team members, or word works table,or friends) and get creative together! If you are interested in hosting a DOOR please sign up at the Halloween Bash table this weekend!

We want to invite you to join us Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am to 9:30am at our Morning Prayer. The staff, G4:2 students and anyone else who wants to come, gather together for a time of prayer and seeking God every week. If you have this time available in your schedule we encourage you to come and be a part of what God is doing in these times of prayer. It will change your life, and start your day off right! In this garden season we are pressing forward in prayer! We hope to see you!

On October 20th we will be pulling the carpet out of the sanctuary. If you are available, we surely welcome your help! If you would like to help with this special project please call the office at 559-275-2083 for more details. Thank you!!   

Eric and Sandra Miller

Eric leads our 8:30 service security team and has been such a team player! He consistently makes every effort to make sure our campus is a safe and friendly place. While possibly known by his big arms, it is his big heart that makes him such an amazing person! Sandra leads the 8:30 coffee bar team and is always ready to help and do whatever it takes to make sure people are valued and loved! She also leads a table at Word Works and is encouraging women each week! Thank you Eric and Sandra for your sacrifice, your great attitude and your love and commitment to God and people. We love you!  

Thursday, October 3, 2013


If you missed this last weekend you definitely missed out! God totally interrupted our services and had a word in season to all of us! One of the things Pastor Randy talked about was how we are in a "garden season."Kind of like when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane. At a time where pressure was on all sides and the circumstance felt like too much, Jesus was praying. On the other hand his disciples were sleeping! 

Pastor explained that many of us have been in a season that seems tough and the circumstances feel like more than we can handle; and instead of praying like Jesus did, many of us have been sleeping like the disciples. We have been trying to just weather the storm, and hope that one day it will pass. 

God is saying to us the only way we succeed in this season( and really in life) is to be people of prayer! If we don't pray we will never respond to adversity correctly. However if we pray and seek God, just like Jesus, we will resist the opportunity to quit and conquer every trial and win! 

Last weekend has set us up for an amazing weekend to come! This weekend is God Encounter and Damon Thompson will be with us on Saturday night and Sunday night. 

We have great expectation for God to show up in a big way this weekend; and in light of what God was saying to us Sunday, Pastor Randy has called a prayer service from 5-6pm right before our Saturday 6pm service. He is inviting everyone to come pray! 

God said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." and that is what we are putting pressure on, we want to be a people who seek God with all of our hearts. When we set our hearts to be committed to God His power shows up in our lives!

We are moving FORWARD this weekend! If I were you I would make every effort to be at as many services as you possibly can! God can change everything in a moment and He wants to do it for you and your family!


1. Pray and be in expectation for God to move in your life personally and for others as well.

2. Invite someone! Every life changing weekend is marked by many people giving their life to God.But how will they experience God if we don't invite them!!! Be bold!

3. Attend Services. God encounter really is a week for you to double up and come to a united clovis service as well! Join us at Saturday night or Sunday night in clovis! It's really not that far ;)

4. Serve with expectation. You are going to play an important part in everything God is wanting to do this weekend! When you serve you help set the atmosphere for lives to be changed! Thank you!


Our second night of word works and men's was off the charts! We have so many people coming out and having a great time building relationships and growing together in the word. This is one of the ways we get better as people, as leaders and as a church. There is still room for you! Don't miss it!
Wednesday 7pm Fresno Campus.

October 31st we will be hosting a big Halloween Bash at the Clovis Campus. This event is for you, your family and everyone you invite!! Here are a few ways you can be involved :)

-Donate Candy. You can bring candy to the outreach table on the weekend.
-Volunteer at the Bash. Sign up at the Outreach table.
-Host and decorate a theme door for our "Trick or Treat" candy walk.

Every Tuesday night jr. high- high school service is at the Clovis Campus at 7pm. 
Current Series : "Naked"(about sexual purity)

We still have cGroups happening! Check out our new tablets at the cGroup table, join a group and start building relationships! 

                                                  Volunteer of the Week

                                               Mercy and Carlos Hernandez

Carlos and Mercy are a dynamic duo as a couple! Carlos volunteers as an Usher and Mercy volunteers in KIC! They are always so willing to help and have stepped up as great leaders on the Fresno campus! Thank you guys for all of your hard work and commitment! You and your family are a blessing to so many! We love you!