Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hey Everyone!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped pull out the carpet this last Sunday! Our new floors in the sanctuary and lobby are going to be a great upgrade for our fresno campus! We appreciate your willingness to help and your generosity to give, it is because of you that we can keep making God's house better and better and keep moving FORWARD!!



It is finally here! By the time you see the next blog we will have had an amazing time at the Halloween Bash!

It is the final stretch to the day of this BIG event/outreach and there are still a few more things we can do to make sure we help make this the best BASH ever!

1. PRAY. This week pray for this event. Pray that people will come from all over our city and feel Gods love while their on our campus and come back to a weekend service!

2. INVITE!!!!!!!!! Invite anyone and everyone! Your family, your friends, your neighbors, co-workers, fellow shoppers at the store etc.! It is our job to get the word out! :)

 3. EXTRA TIME, EXTRA HELP. If you have some time and you would like to help please do! Here's how:                         
    -This Sarurday: A team will be building doors from 8am-1pm at the Clovis Campus. Any amount of time you can help will be appreciated!
    -This weekend you can still sign up to cover a volunteer shift the night of the BASH. We still need more spots filled.
    - Call the office if you want to help during the week. 
4. CANDY. You can still bring candy this weekend! You can even bring it that day or night as well.

God Encounter



This session of WW and Mens is coming to an end. Make sure you don't miss the last few sessions they are going to be the best ones yet!!
Next Wednesday will be the last night of MENS for this session.
Women's Word Works session ends 11/20/13

Student Ministries and Cgroups

Sign up at the Connection point table and get involved!

                         VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK
                                        Randy Castillo
Randy is a part of the usher team and has been a key player as a men's leader as well. Most commonly known as DJ Randy, his commitment and willingness to serve and to do more than asked is why he is this weeks Volunteer of the week. Thank you Randy for going above and beyond and really taking this ministry to a whole new level! We love you and appreciate all you do!

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