Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, November 29, 2013

We are thankful for you

We hope you had an amazing thanksgiving with family and friends! And we hope you know we are so thankful for an awesome church family that we get to do life with! We thank God for you and we love you!!

Bring your family this weekend

It's going to be a great weekend!
During this weekends services we will be having baby dedications. If you have a baby being dedicated this is a perfect opportunity to invite your family!! And even if you aren't dedicating a baby we have a great service planned for you and your loved ones. Don't skip this weekend, it will be another stepping stone and more marching orders to our Kairos!

Next Weekend= God Encounter

Start inviting people to next weekends special nights with Matthew Barnett and Samuel Rodriguez!! These two nights are going to finish our year with a BANG! It's not about the guest speakers, it's about what God is going to do in each  of our lives! Let's get ready to see BIG things!

December to Remember

Friday, November 22, 2013


Hey everyone thank you for checking out this weeks blog!

Something awesome Pastor Randy shared this week.

Sometimes we feel like giving up. Giving up on believing, giving up on fighting to see your promise come to pass, or even giving up on continuing to try again when you mess up?
We have all been there, and many of us, if we'd be honest, are feeling that way right now.
So here is the good news!
This Wednesday at our morning prayer Pastor Randy decided to share something God was speaking to Him that morning.
He shared with us that many times in life we experience the heaviness of challenging circumstances and become weak under the pressure that comes with them. But in these times instead of getting overwhelmed and throwing in the towel, we have to see our weakness correctly.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9,10 "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me..........for when I am weak, then I am strong."  

Paul realized that at the end of our abilities and at the end of our strength is when God’s power is most evident and at work in our lives. 

Pastor Randy went on to say, "Could it be that our weakest hour is our greatest hour?"
In this Kairos moment, though we may feel weak, we are in perfect position for God's power to show up in our lives! When we admit that we need God and can’t do life with out Him, that is when we will be made strong in His grace.

So we encourage you, as hard as it may be at times, to press past your feelings, embrace your weaknesses and consider them an opportunity for Gods power to get you through! Don't let the enemy win! Don't give up, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Don't let the enemy talk you out of taking your KAIROS MOMENT!
We challenge you take these scriptures and make them your meditation this next week as you continue to strike your arrows!

-Romans 8:31-39    -Philippians 4:13    -2 Corinthians 12:9-10   -2 Corinthians 6:2

                MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

        December is just around the corner, and it is full of FUN!!
                          Here are some dates to remember.

Dec. 20th- Volunteer Christmas Premier Party

We will be having a special night just for you and your family! We will be giving all volunteers a premier viewing of the Christmas Show followed by a Big Christmas Party in the Lobby.
7pm Clovis Campus



We have 3 opportunities to show God's love to those in need this Christmas.

1.Salvation Army Angel Tree
We will be partnering with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program(formerly known as star tree) to provide gifts for children and teens in our city.

2. Celebrate Family
Family takes care of each other! This is our opportunity to provide a monetary donation that will help our Celebration families who may not have what they need this year to provide Christmas for their own family.

3.Celebrate Neighbors
Celebration will be adopting a school in our community!You will be able to sponsor an elementary school student from a nearby school who may not otherwise have a gift to   
                                    open this year. Stay tuned for more details.


                                             VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK
                                                             Tonia Gray

Tonia is the manager of our amazing Guest Services team at the Fresno Campus and she does it well! She is always making her team better and always on top of making sure everything is good.  She was also a table leader at Word Works and has an amazing heart to build people up! Thank you Tonia for who you are and all that you do! We love you!

Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Days

                  KAIROS  MOMENT

Pastor Randy’s message this weekend was awesome. How about INCREDIBLE!  30 days!!  Everything can change in 30 days!  This word was for each and every one of us.  What have you determined to see change in 30 days? Whatever it is that you are in faith for to see God change… keep striking. Don’t just tap at them… strike with all you got!  Stand on the word that was given, believe, and release your faith to see the change in 30 days. 
How do you know your in faith? Ask yourself these questions:
-What am I expecting?
-What has God been telling me to do, that I havent done yet?
-What have I been declaring from my mouth?         


Christmas is in the air folks!  This really is the most wonderful time of the year! This December is going to be the best one yet! Why? you ask. Because it involves you! Let’s do this season together!  December is packed with fun and here are some ways you can get involved!

·   DECEMBER 21 &  22:  
    This is the weekend our Christmas Show will take place.  Stay tuned for specific times.
·      CHILDREN- We need your help! This year our kids have the opportunity to participate in our Christmas Show! You can find a flyer with all practice times as well as a signup sheet at Connection Point.
    YOURSELF A HANDYMAN?  If that is you, we really could use your help. We need assistance in prop building for the Christmas Show.  Please go to connection point for more information.
·      ANY COSTUME DESIGNERS?  If you are blessed with expertise in this trade we would love for you to get involved in the Christmas Show as well. Costume designers are essential in making this Show top notch.  Head to the connection point for more information.
·      CHRISTMAS OUTREACH: Celebration is committed to serving the people in our community.  Thank you for helping us make that vision possible. We are excited to reach the hurting in our community and help them have a wonderful Christmas season. Stay tuned for all the details surrounding our Christmas Outreach. It's going to be a BIG deal!

                               VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK

                                      JOSE AND SANDRA TOSCANO

Jose is apart of our amazing security team and Sandra serves in little KIC with the best children's team around!. This couple has been doing such a great job and has been so committed to giving it all they got! Thank you Sandra for making a difference it the lives of our little ones and thank you Jose for ensuring a safe place for so many people to come and be changed! We appreciate not only what you do, but also how you do it with an amazing heart and love for God and people! We love you!

Friday, November 8, 2013


                         DON'T LET THIS MOMENT PASS YOU BY

We often hear that "The opportunity of a lifetime can only be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." Well here we are, right smack in the middle of one of those moments! If you were here this weekend you heard pastor release a right now word for the people of Celebration. As he was away seeking God, God spoke to Him that we are in a "Kairos Moment". A moment where God steps into our now and everything has the potential to change. God is ready to breakthrough in our lives in a BIG way and we don't want anyone to miss out! In order to participate in this moment we have to seek God and make the necessary adjustments in our lives that will position us to release faith like never before! No matter what you need God to do in your life, He is able and He is ready to do it! Our part is FAITH!! We have to believe that nothing is too hard for God and that no matter what it looks like He is able and He is faithful! 

As we go in to this weekend we encourage you to stir yourself up and come with great expectation that something good is about to happen!! We have made it to this moment and we are going to step into every good thing God has for us as we move forward! This is our KAIROS moment, now is the time, and FORWARD is the answer!

Do not miss this weekend! Drag yourself and your family if you need to and don't let anything stop you from getting what God has just for you this weekend!


As leaders we should always have increase on our minds! Ok, I know what your thinking, "Yup I could always use some mo-money!!" But thats not the kind of increase I'm talking about. When God thinks of increase the first thing on His mind is PEOPLE. Increasing His kingdom is at the top of His priority list and it should be at the top of ours as well! Here are two ways we can help God build:

1. INVITE. When we invite people to church we give them the opportunity to experience the presence of God that can change their lives forever! 

It is our responsibility as believers to share what we with the people around us that need it the most. And trust me they are all around us, at the store, at your job, at school, in your family, your friends, neighbors etc. 

Let's step outside of "our own little world" and commit to inviting people to church!!

2. RECRUIT. When we talk about recruiting in church it is not about building our team it is about building people! Think about your life before you started volunteering.

 Most likely, you didn't know nearly as many people at church as you do now, you probably didn't have the Godly relationships you do now and I'm sure you didn't feel like part of a family like you do now. There are so many people who come each week who are missing out on the fulfilled life God has planned for us through community. It is your job to find them and help get them connected!! 

Each weekend make it a point to personally talk to someone about getting plugged in, tell them what it's done for you and then hand them an interest card :) 
They'll be  apart of the fam in no time!

December God Encounter 

Special God Encounter in December with two speakers you will not want to miss, mark your calendars!!

                         VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK

                                                   Gene Urruitia

Gene is a part of the coffee bar team and has been a great example of being always willing to serve. He is eager to help and always ready to do more than what is asked. His great attitude and friendliness has been noticed by so many! Thank you Gene for making the coffee bar team better and for serving with such zeal! We love you!

Friday, November 1, 2013


 Thank you!!!!!!

A BIG thank you to everyone who helped make the Halloween Bash a success! There were so many people, tons of candy, lots of FUN and amazing volunteers that made it all possible!! We appreciate everything you did to be a part of reaching thousands of people! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

                   GOD ENCOUNTER WEEKEND!!!


We are heading into a life changing weekend, are you expecting?? Although every weekend God is doing something great in our lives, God Encounter weekends are without a doubt especially crucial to our marching orders as a church and individually. God always knows exactly what we need and pours it out without measure! He is ready to lead us FORWARD like never before. Pastor will be back this weekend and Damon will be here Saturday and Sunday Night. We would love to see you Fresno Campus Leaders come to the Clovis Services! Let's double up and place great expectation on what God wants to do this weekend!

We encourage and challenge you this weekend, step out of your comfort zone, give God more than you ever have, your time, attention, commitment, affection, resources etc. Challenge yourself to believe like never before! We are going to keep moving FORWARD! God is ready to do great things in us, through us, and for us if we believe! Don't miss this weekend and invite someone!!  

                                                  VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK

                                                             JERRY DAVIS

Jerry volunteers during the week helping with things like Men's workshop and Sanctuary Prep. Jerry was a huge help this week in preparing for the Halloween Bash as well! Thank you Jerry for your hard work and great attitude. We appreciate all of your help and definitely enjoy your presence! You Rock!