Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, November 8, 2013


                         DON'T LET THIS MOMENT PASS YOU BY

We often hear that "The opportunity of a lifetime can only be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." Well here we are, right smack in the middle of one of those moments! If you were here this weekend you heard pastor release a right now word for the people of Celebration. As he was away seeking God, God spoke to Him that we are in a "Kairos Moment". A moment where God steps into our now and everything has the potential to change. God is ready to breakthrough in our lives in a BIG way and we don't want anyone to miss out! In order to participate in this moment we have to seek God and make the necessary adjustments in our lives that will position us to release faith like never before! No matter what you need God to do in your life, He is able and He is ready to do it! Our part is FAITH!! We have to believe that nothing is too hard for God and that no matter what it looks like He is able and He is faithful! 

As we go in to this weekend we encourage you to stir yourself up and come with great expectation that something good is about to happen!! We have made it to this moment and we are going to step into every good thing God has for us as we move forward! This is our KAIROS moment, now is the time, and FORWARD is the answer!

Do not miss this weekend! Drag yourself and your family if you need to and don't let anything stop you from getting what God has just for you this weekend!


As leaders we should always have increase on our minds! Ok, I know what your thinking, "Yup I could always use some mo-money!!" But thats not the kind of increase I'm talking about. When God thinks of increase the first thing on His mind is PEOPLE. Increasing His kingdom is at the top of His priority list and it should be at the top of ours as well! Here are two ways we can help God build:

1. INVITE. When we invite people to church we give them the opportunity to experience the presence of God that can change their lives forever! 

It is our responsibility as believers to share what we with the people around us that need it the most. And trust me they are all around us, at the store, at your job, at school, in your family, your friends, neighbors etc. 

Let's step outside of "our own little world" and commit to inviting people to church!!

2. RECRUIT. When we talk about recruiting in church it is not about building our team it is about building people! Think about your life before you started volunteering.

 Most likely, you didn't know nearly as many people at church as you do now, you probably didn't have the Godly relationships you do now and I'm sure you didn't feel like part of a family like you do now. There are so many people who come each week who are missing out on the fulfilled life God has planned for us through community. It is your job to find them and help get them connected!! 

Each weekend make it a point to personally talk to someone about getting plugged in, tell them what it's done for you and then hand them an interest card :) 
They'll be  apart of the fam in no time!

December God Encounter 

Special God Encounter in December with two speakers you will not want to miss, mark your calendars!!

                         VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK

                                                   Gene Urruitia

Gene is a part of the coffee bar team and has been a great example of being always willing to serve. He is eager to help and always ready to do more than what is asked. His great attitude and friendliness has been noticed by so many! Thank you Gene for making the coffee bar team better and for serving with such zeal! We love you!

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