Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, February 21, 2014

We are Moving Forward

  1. 1.
    high respect; esteem.
    "his portrait hangs in the place of honor"

  2. 2.
    a privilege.
    "the great poet of whom it is my honor to speak tonight"

  1. 1.
    regard with great respect.
    "Joyce has now learned to honor her father's memory"
    synonyms:esteemrespectadmire, defer to, look up to; 

  2. 2.
    fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement). 
    "make sure the franchisees honor the terms of the contract"
    synonyms:fulfillobservekeepobeyheedfollow, carry out, discharge,implementexecuteeffect

this is the official definition according to Miriam Webster, but what we learned last weekend was so much more. 
Pastor said it like this: 
"Honor elevates everything around it."

If you are a person of honor God will answer when you pray. Think that this is a bold statement... then look at our key text 1 Chron 4:9 - Now Jabez was more Honorable than his brothers... this is the reason God answered his prayers!

So what does this mean for us? We as the Dream Team get to lead the people in Honor! when Pastor Randy Speaks we pull on the word. We Get excited about the Teaching and we show it. We tithe and give offerings, and we pray for our Pastor that God would give him the grace to deliver the word with excellence.

We want to better equip you as leaders to do better in any area so be on the lookout for more changes coming to the blog, including a new blog page! no longer will you have to remember the super long address to sign on to this blog! Our new blog will be super easy right!  

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