Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank you!

Hey team!
We hope that you had a good Easter! We just wanted to say thank you all SO much for all that you guys did to make the Easter Shows such a HUGE success! All the hard work that you guys did, from passing out invites to rehearsing hours on end to cutting cardboard, really paid off! This weekend our campus was busting at the seams with people visiting Celebration for the first time. As a special thank you to all of you, Pastors Randy and Cherie have decided to give you all tonite off from service so we can all get "reacquainted with the family" ;) and rest up for this coming weekend. Don't forget that this weekend is going to be another big weekend. Many of the visitors we saw this weekend will undoubtably be returning so it is important we are ready to roll out the Red Carpet to our usual weekend services. Then the party continues on Sunday night at the Clovis campus with Glen Berteau! You won't want to miss it. One last thing... as you heard this weekend, we are partnering with Fresno Food Bank to feed our community. That is starting this weeknd! So bring your cans of food and someone new with you to church this weekend. And remember, just because Easter is over doesn't mean that people stopped needing to hear the truth of the word of God. So who is still out there counting on you this weekend????
Love you all very much!
The Fresno Campus Staff

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