Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello Team!

Simply wanted to give everyone a few updates before the weekend. So first and foremost this weekend is MOTHER'S DAY!!! Men dont forget that this is your day to get extra brownie points and show how awesome of a mom your wife or mother is! So to help out we will be selling flowers for $2 a piece at our Sunday morning services. Also baby dedications are coming up and we will have sign ups available on campus. We also wanted to take the time to express again the importance of Wednesday nights to your spiritual growth. This is the night that Pastor has dedicated to maturing the house and it's crucial that we all attend it so that we can better serve our guests on the weekend. Ultimately we are grateful for your involvement and committment and our aim as a staff is to equip and serve you as best we can. We love you and are committed to your well being!

The Fresno Campus Staff

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