Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hey Volunteers,
Pastor is going to be continuing this weekend on his series “Is God Really Good.”  Make sure you invite someone that has not heard the message of God being good!! This is what our Valley needs to hear right now, don’t rob your friends or neighbors by not telling them about it. If you have noticed that God is doing something good then you should tell someone about it!!

This weekend you will hear about something called the 99. This is their blurb on the website:

On average, 99 young people between the ages of 10 and 25 die EVERY DAY in the United States."THE 99" is a symbol based on these statistics from the National Center for Disease Control.

THE 99 is a walkthrough theater that graphically reenacts the five leading causes of death in teenagers and young adults. Many of these deaths are influenced by drugs or alcohol and a vast majority of them can be avoided.

THE 99 is a state-of-the-art production designed to portray the very real consequences of poor decisions that claim almost 37,000 young lives every year. The production is not based on fear or scare tactics, but rather is based solely on reality with each room designed from real life situations.

We have the opportunity to come along side this organization and help plug the young adults into a body of believers that will allow their decision to become a permanent one. Please consider helping us out. The training for becoming a volunteer will be held Saturday at 10:30am or on Monday at 6:30pm. If you want more info on it go to

Last don’t miss out on prayer next Wednesday, these nights continue to grow and we are seeing God do amazing things because of it.

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