Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fresno Campus!! This is it the last two weekends of The Chair Series!! This is your chance to get those family and friends you’ve believed for to come to church. The truth is that this is a perfect example of God's goodness! They will see the way that God is able to turn a broken life around and make it into something great. Don’t miss this chance, it is important to see this correctly. These weekends are for you as much as they are for the lost. We need to focus on the goodness of God! This is the best way to show that to those around you, in a way that is not churchy at all. God wants to show a message of his goodness to the unsaved. Help us greet the lost this weekend, be extra friendly, expect to see the hurting, the broken and those who feel cast aside coming to the saving knowledge of a good God who loves them and has a plan for their future! Right now at Celebration there is more opportunity to get involved in community than ever before! We have outreaches into the community like Star Tree Program and The 99. We have events for young adults and even the young at heart. Get informed so that you can inform! There are people coming this weekend that need, what you have on the inside of you. You are here for this moment in time! Don’t miss your chance to impact someone's eternity! As a volunteer that is exactly what you do when you smile at someone who walks onto our campus this weekend. Also, we have Celebration Exposed this weekend. This is an awesome opportunity to get someone new plugged into the life of this body. Also we have Discipleship coming up soon! So if you have never been, sign up or ask a staff member about how to get into the class. We would love to see you plugged into a healthy pursuit of Christ. That’s what it means to be a disciple (A disciplined learner who is following Christ.) Make sure you are always pushing into a deeper place in your relationship with Christ.

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