Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blog 9-28-12

Men’s Workshop and Word Works

The moment you have been waiting for is here!  Our men’s and women’s workshops are back in session this next Wednesday at 7:00 pm!  Men, you have an opportunity this weekend to pre-register at the workshop table and pay a special discounted fee of $15 for the session.  These Wednesday night workshops are an awesome time of fun, food and growing in God, so don’t miss out!  As leaders, please help us by inviting those who come onto campus, as well as the people in your sphere of influence that you’re called to reach.

Men’s Meeting

It’s this next Saturday, Clovis campus, 9:00 am! We said this last week, but it bears repeating: God has got something for you at this meeting but the real question is, will you be man enough to get it? Don’t be a weenie and allow tiredness, a football game, or anything stand in your way. This is your season of INCREASE baby!

Plus, all this is happening there:

- BIG Giveaways

- 49er vs. Rams Tickets

- Raider vs. Saints Tickets

 - $100 Tattoo work

 - K-9 Training sit-in for four guys

 - Breakfast Burrito Vendor ($2 a burrito)

 - More surprises to come!

 A new year of G42 School of Ministry has begun, and with that new ministry students on our campus.  These students are going to be working right alongside you, so we thought we’d introduce them and what area they are training in.

 1st Year Students

Kaylee O’Brien, Pastoral Care

Christian Salazar, 2sm

2nd Year Students

Cierra Hutcheson, 2sm

Sarah Collins, Pastoral Care

Madi Contrestano, Music

We are welcoming many new volunteers to our Fresno team, so staff introductions are also in order!

Campus Pastors- Rick and Vickie Jimenez

Campus Directors- Brett and Katelyn Kindberg

Service Directors- Paul and Alisha Torres

Worship Director- Autumn Young

Events and Outreaches Director- Stephanie Stine

2sm Directors- Anthony and Shay Favila

KIC Directors- Willie and Delina Gonzalez

 It is our honor and privilege to serve the people of this campus with you, and we value each and every one of you.  Thank you for your faithfulness. 

 The Volunteer of the Week is………Josh Ott!

Josh wears many hats, willing to do whatever is needed, from drumming, stagehand, working cameras and even letting us use his acting abilities for holiday productions!  We value his eagerness and enthusiasm to serve.  Be sure to congratulate him this weekend.

God has said that now is our time of increase, and that in order to get what’s on God’s mind, we have to have it on our mind.  Declaring this confession is a great way to keep increase on your mind throughout the week. 

 Celebration Confession

Father, in the name of Jesus, your Word says that if we decree a thing it shall be established.

So, we boldly decree and declare that Celebration Church is a healed, prosperous, healthy WORD church.

Our church is growing, and is full of people of love that are led by the Spirit of God, Healed by the Word of God, and delivered by the Power of God.

Celebration Church is a miracle, wonderworking church that is healthy in mind, body and soul.

We are spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically healed, and we declare it by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

The love of God is in us to effectively reach out to our families, our neighbors and our city.

We enjoy doing the work of the ministry.  We serve the Lord with gladness at Celebration Church.

There are workers with us in abundance.  We say that every member at Celebration joyfully functions in their place and in their grace.

The favor of God surrounds Celebration Church as a shield.

We say there is no lack at Celebration- in the homes, families, businesses, and ministries.  We are blessed coming in and going out.  Whatever we put our hands to, in agreement with God’s Word, prospers!

No matter what comes against us, we win because God is FOR US.  No weapon formed against us shall prosper.  Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world.

Father, you said let the redeemed of the Lord say so!  So, we say that WE ARE THE REDEEMED!  WE SAY WE ARE THE HEALED!  WE SAY WE ARE THE BLESSED!

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Don’t ever let the enemy allow you to believe that what you do each week when you serve doesn’t make a difference.  You make an impact in the lives of people coming onto campus, and blessing comes on you!  Also, this weekend is going to be full of fun and excitement.  There's going to be face painting for the kids, Brown Bear's Hot Dogs and more.

Now let’s go make this the best weekend yet!

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