Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012


We are reaching this Valley! Soul by soul they are coming in and you watch how this movement explodes and turns into a raging river! Fresno volunteers, you aren't just greeting at the front doors, or working the parking lot, or helping in a classroom, you are expanding God's Kingdom!


Is there a greater cause on this Earth?!


Thank you for all that you do. I know we sound like the boy who cried wolf every week, thanking you constantly, but we are sincere in our thankfulness. Keep up the good work!



Host Team Training!

We have the chance to train as a team! Ushers, Greeters, Parking Lot, Bookstore, Coffee Bar, and Visitor Lounge will all be there! If you are on one of those teams then you have this great opportunity! There will be munchies,  time to hang out, and a quick gathering for vision about serving to start the morning. Then we will break out into individual areas to train on our specific responsibilities.



Wild Fire to Spread on our Campus:



Men's Workshop

As men, we aspire to be a leader that others can respect, that others look up to. We want to live a life worth talking about long after we're gone. Celebration is about raising up those men! On October 3rd we will begin our 6 week quest to equip and prepare you to be a husband, a father, a brother, and a man of God that's full of power, ready to do powerful things in this Earth! There will be tons of food, tons of laughs, and tons of opportunity to meet other guys and generate great discussions. As leaders, please help us get the word out! Grab a stack of invite cards and let's get guys there! They need it!



Men's Meeting

Guys, if you stay home and miss this Men's meeting, I swear we will de-man you in a hot second!--- if you catch my drift---

In all seriousness, men, God has got something for you at this meeting but the real question is, will you be man enough to get it? Don’t be a weenie and allow tiredness, a football game, or anything stand in your way. This is your season of INCREASE baby!

Did I mention all the fun stuff that’s going to be going on?

- BIG Giveaways

- 49er vs. Rams Tickets

- Raider vs. Saints Tickets

- $100 Tattoo work

- K-9 Training sit-in for four guys

- Breakfast Burrito Vendor ($2 a burrito)

- More surprises to come!

, 9am, Clovis Campus>


Word Works

Ladies, there is almost too much fun going on at these Word Work sessions! Come learn how to become a mighty woman of God while enjoying some food and laughs with other women that are excited to make their lives better and better. There are six sessions to catch and you won’t want to miss a single one! Get signed up this weekend at our Workshop Table, and let the fun begin!



Open Mic Night

Ladies! Word Works will be hosting “Open Mic Night"! There will be stand-up comedy, music and performances you will not want to miss, along with appetizers, mocktails and drawings all night long. This event will take place at Sign-up this weekend at the Events & Outreach table!


< Friday, September 28th, Classic Catering, Old Town Clovis, 7-10pm, $20>



A Sunday Drive & Lesson Learned (by Corina Burgess)

Most Sundays I wake up to a before-sunrise alarm clock and set out on an early morning drive to the Fresno Campus. The roads are empty. The dew lingers on the grass and the sun pokes through the valley sky. Everything is generally pretty quiet and peaceful.

After my general inspection of Fresno Campus & my connection with the campus staff & volunteers I jump in my car & speed to the next stop, Clovis Campus. And it seems I’ve kind of developed a routine that keeps me from noticing what is happening all around our city.

Today I took notice and found that:

• At about 7:30am the fig loop park is buzzing with activity, especially on a beautiful fall morning like today.
• Somewhere near 9am boats are in Costco gas station filling up for a day on a beautiful lake somewhere.
• About the same time, the local Starbucks is full of casual coffee-drinkers sipping their drink of choice and reveling in a good read & college students are intently doing homework.
• Afternoon as I drive by Fashion Fair Mall, the parking lot is full & lines form at the local restaurants.
I was amused by all the activity that happens each and every week while I’m serving the place I'd rather be more than anywhere else.

However, I have to admit I was easily tempted by each of their activities. All equally enjoyable things that I would be eager to do if given a lazy Sunday morning.

My lesson learned today is that sometimes I forget what the rest of the world is doing. I forget what is competing for their attention. I forget what a commitment and sacrifice it is for them to attend church rather than one of these activities that so easily "woos" them.

Church Leaders & Staff, don’t forget! Don’t forget what we’re competing with. Do everything you can to create a place as compelling as any one of these other environments. Because if we can create the place, they’ll experience something that none of these other things can ever do… provide them an encounter with Jesus, their Creator and Savior. Allow God to work through us, NOT in spite of us. Be excited & grateful that God is using us to impact lives!

The truth is, it's really not about us. Serving God's House is about Him and the thousands of lost, hurting, and broken lives in this valley. So let's give it ALL we got.. Let's be committed, effective, excited, passionate, friendly, contagious, and create the most irresistible environment that can compete with the best this world has to offer. LET'S WIN THIS CITY!!!



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