Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blog 10/19/12

If you're reading this blog, chances are you are one of the many committed volunteers to come to this church. We would like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for all that you do and for being COMMITTED! We wouldn't want to do this without you!

What's on the plate?

As you know, coming up on November 9th through the 12th, we are having our 2012 Fall Conference! In order for this epic event to take place and make a tremendous impact on this city, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

This Saturday, October 20th, 9am at our Clovis Campus, we're holding our Vision Rally for the Fall Conference. Allow me to mathematically paint a picture of what this Vision Rally will be like

1. Disneyland + Fresno Fair multiplied by Jesus = VISION RALLY
2. High School Homecoming + Prom multiplied by the years since you've graduated = VISION RALLY
3. (Word problem) If Las Vegas got saved from being the "city of sin" on a Thursday, then Friday had a meeting with God at 4 o'clock by Saturday, 9am what will happen? = VISION RALLY!!!

The point is, you CAN'T MISS THIS!

Here is an exclusive sneak peak at Carl Lentz, one of the amazing speakers at the Fall Conference.
Our Volunteer of the Week is…….Nicole Stephens!
Nicole faithfully serves in KIC, and is now the new check-in lead.  Congratulations, Nicole!

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