Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Anybody excited about our Fall 2012 Conference?! Check out this clip by John Bevere- it's sure to wet your appetite and get your expectancy level up to the ceiling!

We want to thank those or you that came to our Vision Rally last Saturday- if you missed it, we are truly sorry because we had an amazing time! Here are a few quick points that we covered to catch you up to speed:

1) Our speaking guests! Like we have talked about- the men that will be joining us for this conference are making tremendous impact in this world, and we are highly privileged to have them with us. Pastor never brings anyone to our church flippantly or "just because", he believes that what God has given them, can get off on us, and we need every bit of it if we are going to impact our city! We never exalt or glorify man, but we do honor them and honor what God has put inside of them to build up the church. If you'd like more information on these individuals, please visit our website and see the attached links for them.

2) There are two target audiences for this conference. The first audience that this conference is directed towards, is us! Like we mentioned in the above paragraph, Pastor believes that God is going to work through these men to see us finish the rest of this year strong. We believe that each service will be packed with something for everyone that has ever called Celebration their home. If you haven't seen someone in a long time, then invite them to come out and get their batteries charged! Secondly this conference is to bring people to Jesus! Every opportunity we get we are going to spread our nets and expect a huge catch! The atmosphere of these conference nights are going to be very safe, and comfortable for anyone new that shows up to our campus; so with that said, make sure to get your friends and family there!

3) Let's get the word out! We can't keep this the best kept secret so here are some ways to spread the news!

  • Club Fliers-- We have stacks of club fliers that you are free to take and pass out (Ideas: Starbucks billboards, Apartment complexes, co-workers, post them up in the break room, etc.)
  • T-shirts- Want to become a walking billboard? It's a great way to get conversation generated and we also want all of our volunteers to wear them during the conference. They are only $10 and you can order them this weekend!
  • Social Media- We have a great free tool for marketing right at our fingertips! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever else there is! With that said, let's talk about our Invite Challenge!
4) INVITE CHALLENGE!!! At Celebration, we are using any and every tool to help spread the gospel into our world and one tool that we can use involves a little blue bird called Twitter! Twitter is a social media product similar to Facebook that people use to spread news quickly. If you want to learn more about Twitter please see us at the Twitter station this weekend so that we can help you.

Our challenge is this-- After every invite opportunity you get, tweet about it on Twitter and include the hash-tag- #CCfc2012. (That stands for Celebration Church Fall Conference 2012)

At the end of every day leading up to the conference, some one's story will be chosen and they will win a gift card for participating!

5) Cirque De Celebration! We may have a difficult time keeping the adults out of the classrooms during the conference! The kids will be having an absolute blast as they enjoy the "circus" theme and all of the fun that comes along with it. Games, attractions, and more! If your children are wanting to bring friends, this is the time to bring them!

It's our job as leaders to help make this conference a success. If we all do our part this thing will be a piece of cake and extremely fun for everyone! But if only 65% of us do our part then we will only make 65% of the impact that we could make. Think about how you can promote, how you can get involved, and how you can be praying for a life changing weekend!

Also don't forget that this Sunday is Volunteer Orientation! if you recently joined the team or you know someone who did, and they haven't been to this yet make sure they come and catch the vision this Sunday. It is directly fallowing our 11:30 service and as always there are drinks and food there for all. 
Volunteers of the week!! This week is Brett and Nicole Macintosh!
OMG are those halos? Brett and Nicole are so faithful, and committed in serving at our events and outreach table on the weekends and they are also leaders in Men's and Word Works on Wednesdays, and that's just the beginning. They are quick to help no matter what the task and they always serve with a cheerful heart and a smile on their face. So here's to you guys!

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