Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, November 8, 2012

blog 11-9-12

Are you ready for the most fun, exciting, impacting, life-changing 4 days ever?! 

Thank you to every one of you that’s going the extra mile and serving on the various nights of the Fall Conference, and also for mobilizing and getting out there to invite friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and people in the community.  We believe that because of the time you’re sowing, this house, and your life, are going to experience increase.  And, it’s certainly not too late to do some inviting, so call, text, tweet, Facebook…let’s make it so everyone in Fresno knows this is the place to be!  Be in agreement with us that we will be filled to capacity EVERY night!  Our church and this city are going to be forever changed by this conference!!

The Rain series cd will be available for purchase this weekend in the lobby, along with our fantastic worship cds.  With hundreds of new people coming through the doors this weekend, they’re going to become a hot commodity, so make sure you get yours before they’re gone!

Registration for this year’s Christmas outreach launches this weekend!  Our focus is going to be on ensuring that families in Celebration have a quality Christmas, so if you need assistance this year, or would like to nominate a family, forms will be available at the Events and Outreaches table in the lobby.

Word Works and Mens are on break until the new year, so what’s happening on Wednesday nights?  I’m glad you asked!  We are going to have On the Wall prayer, right on the Fresno campus from 7-8pm, for the next two Wednesdays!  Pastor Randy believes that gathering together and praying corporately is one of the most important and powerful things we do.  So, if you want a move of God in this church and in your life, we’ll see you there!

On Wednesday, November 28th we will have water baptisms united on the Clovis campus.  Water baptisms are an important step in your relationship with Christ. If you would like to be baptized, sign-ups will be available on the weekends.  If you’ve already been baptized with us, we encourage you to come out that night to support and celebrate with us!

The Volunteer of Week is…Paul Chung!

Paul is a faithful member of the usher team, and serves with enthusiasm and humor!  He makes our weekend services fun, plus he has an awesome accent!  Make sure to congratulate him this weekend.

We can’t say enough how much we love and value each and every one of you.  Thank you for the time and energy you invest into serving this house and the people of it.  Now, take a deep breath, get a good night’s rest, and then get ready to have the most WILD, SURPRISING AND POWERFUL WEEKEND EVER!!!!

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