Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Saturday, November 24, 2012

blog 11-23-12

This year I'm thankful for...FRESNO VOLUNTEERS!

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our Fresno volunteers!! Your time, effort, sweat, heart, passion, and love that you pour out every week does NOT go unnoticed. It's because of you that we are able to see lives changed and added to the kingdom daily. We know without a shadow of a doubt that we run with the BEST volunteers than any other church and we value and appreciate you so much! We can't do this without you and we wouldn't want to! This Thanksgiving we thank God for YOU! Thank you for laying your lives down for others and the kingdom of God. We love you and we know great things are ahead for you. Again, hear us shout it out THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving :)
Love, the Fresno Staff

Besides getting a warm, fuzzy feeling from reading about how much we love and adore you, we also want thank you in another way:

This weekend we will have Fresno Monster tickets (hockey team) that we are giving away, ONLY TO VOLUNTEERS! We have a limited amount of tickets, so we will be giving them out on a first come, first serve basis. To pick up your ticket or tickets (for your immediate family only), please go to the Events table in the lobby and give them the code word: MONSTERS. Then enjoy the game! - Only those who read the blog this week will know how to get em'!

Cannon Ball!
On Wednesday, November 28th we will have united Water Baptisms on the Clovis campus. Being water baptized is an important step of obedience after receiving Christ into your life. Throughout the year we offer you and your family the opportunity to take part in this life-changing moment. Instruction on what baptism is, and how it affects you takes place prior to being baptized. Sign-ups will be available at the connection tables this weekend. And if you’ve already been baptized with us, we encourage you to come out that night to support and celebrate with us!

Volunteer of the Week

Sam Justice!  He is an integral member of the worship team, often serving on both the Fresno and Clovis campuses.  We appreciate his faithfulness and enthusiasm for worship.  And, we're impressed by his ability to jump up and down while playing the keyboard.  We love you, Sam!


Thanks everyone! Let's go into this weekend pumped and full of expectation - not turkey!
Fresno Team

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