Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

blog 3-1-13

Hey, leaders!  Last weekend was huge in promoting what Celebration is all about--community!  Community is doing life with other believers, volunteering, coming to men's and Word Works, and of course C-Groups! If you haven't plugged into one of these groups yet then stop by the table this weekend! Additionally, if you would like to organize your own C-Group, paperwork will be available at the table also.

Special Service Weekend!

This weekend Damon Thompson will be with us Saturday and Sunday night. It will truly be life changing. Don't go by yourself-- bring someone with you! Also, come pumped and ready for a new series by Pastor Randy called Rescued on Sunday morning. Don't miss this weekend full of life and vision with Damon as he launches us into March with incredible momentum.

March Madness

Why do we need the momentum coming into March? Because, every Saturday in March we are going to have the opportunity to continue inviting more people to get saved. These Saturday night services will have a different speaker every week, including Glen Berteau, Phil Munsey, and Matthew Barnett.  Every Saturday will be packed with excitement and passion. If you feel like you have been getting tired and running on empty, then come get charged and refueled. These Saturdays will all culminate with Easter weekend! Easter weekend is one of the greatest opportunities we have to bring people to church that don't normally attend. Now is the time to begin looking for people to invite, and let God do the rest.

Volunteers of the Week are...Jim and Susan Hoppock!

Not only are they a couple of the longest attending members of Celebration, but they are the leaders of our ages 50+ ministry.  They ensure the generation that has paved the way for the rest of us continues to sharpen one another and keep this ministry strong! They host these gatherings every second Friday of the month. Jim and Susan have been such a strength to the leadership of Celebration since the day they started attending. We love you both.  Thank you for all you do!

Last, we are going to start posting a prayer target of the week for the blog!

I know that we as a staff have been changed by what prayer has done in this church and we want to offer those of you who don't regularly attend morning prayer a chance to be united with us in a common prayer target throughout the week.

This week we are praying that the people who come to Celebration and accept Christ become what the Word calls "fruit that remains".  We are believing that people become rooted and connected, in their relationship with God, and also in this church body.  Our desire is to see people grow spiritually and flourish as they do what God has uniquely called them to do.

Thank you for being the awesome leaders that you are.  We love you.

Let's make this a great weekend!

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