Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

blog 7/26/13

Hi, leaders!  A special thank you to those who came out to the training last Saturday.  Strength comes to a team when you take the time to gather to be filled with purpose, and grow in excellence.  Congratulations to the coffee bar team for having the best turnout of team members for the training!  Their managers, Richard and Patty Hurtado, earned themselves a gift card for their diligence.

Backpack Outreach

What an awesome opportunity we have to show this community that we’re a church that cares!  Let’s do our part as leaders and set the example by getting involved with this outreach.  You can donate a backpack with supplies, give $15 for a pre-filled backpack, or volunteer to help at the event!  See the outreach table in the outdoor lobby this weekend to get plugged in.

Volunteer of the Week is…Christian Caudillo!!!

This young man is a fixture at Celebration, serving as a leader in both KIC and 2sm.  We value his heart to minister to his peers and the next generation.  In addition to what he does at the church, Christian runs a bible study at his school, and dreams of going to Hillsong College in Australia one day.  Christian, we thank you for all you do, and support your dreams!

Leaders always lead from the front. 
With that in mind, we encourage you to come to the altar area during praise and worship.  We have attendees from all different church backgrounds, and even those that have never been to church.  These people are looking to you as a leader and learning what worship looks like.  Here at Celebration we believe in passionate, unashamed, heartfelt worship.  That means coming to the front, singing along, dancing, raising your hands, etc.  Your boldness causes others to be bold.  We understand that some teams have duties that prevent them from coming to the front during praise and worship, but if you are free then, come on down and let’s fill up that altar!
We love and value each and every one of you!   Let’s make this a great weekend!

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