Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, August 2, 2013

Blog 8-1-13

We always say we want to equip you to do what you do, and we are striving to make that happen in every way. Here is a website that we as staff constantly go on to get Spiritually charged and developed our selves:
The speaker's name is Keith Moore and he is one of the people who pastor listens to most often to develop staff he has told us to be listening to at least one of his podcasts every week. He was an instructor at Rhema Bible training center in Tulsa Oklahoma, when pastor was in school there. He is a true son of Kenneth Hagan and therefor kinda like an uncle to us. He truly will teach you the meat of the word (more mature teaching) not just the milk (the spiritual child's teaching/daily food). His featured series is a marriage enrichment teaching but he has so much more on the website so go check it out, Bon apatite! 

This is our God Encounter weekend and you don't want to miss it! Pastor is asking us to double and even triple up on services this weekend. He got a text From Glenn Berteau saying this is going to be a new message that no one should miss! So let's fill every seat in Clovis on Saturday night and get ready for God to totally transform your life. Sunday morning pastor is going to be releasing some amazing teaching, and Sunday night we are going to meet our assignment as Dr. Dave Martin teaches. Dr. Martin is a phenomenal communicator that has a Word from heaven for YOU, so don't miss what God has made available this weekend. See you there!

The backpack outreach is only a week away and we have done so well in getting support in the community. We have been able to bring in close to 800 backpacks so far and we are so greatful to everyone who has contributed so far. Our goal is 1500 backpacks this year, so if just 1 out of every 4 people who attend celebration will bring in a backpack this weekend we would hit our goal! So if you haven't had the chance to get yours let us know, and ask you friends and family too. This is not just about celebration church this is about reaching our community to share the love of Christ! Thanks for being a part.

Our volunteers of the week are..........
Jeremiah & Andrew Rey!! 
These guys have been so helpful in making the tear down of our campus successful. These guys also help out with our weekend attractions and are quick to lend a hand wherever needed. So thanks guys! 

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