Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, August 22, 2013

“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what you will, is the great high-road to his reason, and which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause.”
-Abraham Lincoln-
Invite others to serve with you!

We talk to volunteers all the time about why we serve, the best way to complete their task and even how to greet a first timer on to campus. But what are we doing to reach the people who have been at Celebration for a while now? Do we just let them walk in and out and never even ask their name? Is it that we are too embarrassed to ask again the name of someone we see every week? The truth is we all have reasons why we stay in our comfort Zones, but are we being effective as a Body of believers? We have the privilege to serve here at Celebration; every one of us is a part to this Body of Christ. If we did not share this Honor with others then the body would never grow properly. Have you ever seen a child with a limb that was deformed, that just didn’t GROW right? This is what the body of Christ looks like when we don’t do our part in sharing the load with others. God designed people to be involved in the body, to serve and help us grow, but most of the people with the greatest gifts will not volunteer on their own they must be asked! Jesus modeled this principle for us. Jesus himself went out and asked the disciples to follow him. The Disciples were not people who had, “nothing better to do,” they were hard working people who had their lives radically changed by a God who loved them. They did not see following Jesus as an inconvenience, rather they saw it as an opportunity of a lifetime! Let’s go invite those who are here this weekend to come and join us in changing this valley forever.

Back to school prayer

Volunteers its back to school already and we have a great opportunity for you. If you didn't know we do a back to school prayer here at Celebration. This is a night where we gather everyone involved in the school process that calls Celebration their home. If you are a teacher, a student, a parent of a student, a janitor, or the lunch lady this night is for you. It is happening Wednesday September 4th, at 7 pm on our Clovis Campus. This will truly impact your fall semester and the rest of this school year. Let God bring Favor as you go back to school!

Last weekend of Dave Ramsey

The practical teaching we have been getting on these weekends is so valuable that you just can’t afford to miss it. Whether you are a working mom struggling to make ends meet or a wealthy Business owner who has a 6 figure income this is for you, so don’t miss out. This is also a great opportunity to bring someone who has never been to celebration before. It is an opportunity for them to experience a service that shows them just how much we care. It also gives the newcomer the ability to come and check it out without them feeling like the preacher is going to be staring at them the whole time…because it is a video! All that to say, bring someone with you this weekend and let God change their life.

God Encounter weekend

Damon Thompson is going to be back with us Aug 30th and Sep 1st! He is going to be in Clovis amped up and ready to go so don’t pick and choose that weekend, but get in and let God wreck you. The message he had in Salinas was so powerful and truly life changing for all who were there, and that was two and a half hours away! So don’t come to just one service and kick back like it’s no big deal. God is going to change you in these services! Also Pastor Randy will be back with Fire in his eyes on those Sunday morning services. Hey it just so happens that you get that Monday off! So come on in and get all you can, and sleep it off Monday!

Our Volunteer of the week is Josh Alemon!

Josh is a guitar player in the band but what you probably don’t know is he is also here during the week at our on the wall prayer sessions! Josh travels on weekends and plays both in Clovis and Fresno campuses this means he is in more services than most and yet he continues to give and help the music department on his time during the week. He is such a hard worker and always has such a great attitude about it! Thanks Josh 

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