Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blog 8-8-13


What a great weekend that we just came out of! Thank you Fresno leaders for stepping up to the plate and putting your best foot forward; your efforts are greatly appreciated! Every service had so much impact and added so much value to people’s lives, and we have God and you to thank for that! :)


Last week in our daily Bible reading, we see that Jesus had to make a correction to how the disciples were thinking about themselves and each other. In Luke 22 it says that a dispute broke out among them concerning "who was better than who." But this kind of mindset didn't appeal to Jesus, so He taught his 12 about a better way. He said in verse 26-

“...the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is grater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.”

Jesus made a connection. He connected greatness to serving others.

Have you thought about serving in that way before? Or maybe you’ve allowed this truth to slip by you, as you’ve served week after week. Whatever stage you may be in, let’s allow Jesus' words to transform our thinking in this area!

Let’s look at serving others with fresh eyes; as a golden opportunity to become more like Jesus. We need to look at our responsibilities with value and high regard, not lightly esteeming something precious that God has given to us. If for some reason we aren’t able to make it to serve, we need to call another team member to replace us, so they can step in and shoulder the weight and help the rest of the team in our place. We need to treat our piece of the pie with excellence, just like we would our job, you wouldn't just not show up to work. If you did you would no longer have a job. But our position is not about a paycheck, what we do has Eternal consequences in other people's life.

We truly do consider ourselves blessed to have such a great team to work with every week to reach people for God- your commitment is off the charts! Understand that the world God created works by seed, time, and harvest and we can promise that you are planting amazing seed in the ground! Don’t give up on your harvest if you haven’t seen it yet! You are positioned for blessings to come your way, which some of you have already seen.

If Jesus came to serve then let it be said of Celebration that we are here to serve too!

Your prayers are needed for our big event this Saturday! We’ve been presented with a great opportunity to reach our community and see lives impacted. Thank you for all your generous contributions to see this outreach take place, now it’s time to pray!

Here is a snap shot of some fun things going on at Celebration:

Talent Show
- On Friday, August 16th, our 1st-6th graders will be having a talent show on the Clovis Campus. It will start at 7:00pm. The admission cost for adults is $3.

2SM (7th-12th grade)
2sm Services
- Tuesdays in Clovis at 7:00pm
Back to School Bash
- September 10th @ 7:00pm

C20 (YOUNG ADULTS: 18-29)
Life Discussions:
- Thursday nights in Clovis at 7:00pm.
Grizzly Baseball Bash
- August 1st
Life Discussions
-August 8th
Baggage Buddies @ FSU
- August 17th (9:30am-11:30am)
Back to School Lake Event
- August 23rd (5:00pm-10:00pm)
Palazzo Apartments
- September 6th (7:00pm-9:00pm)
Fresno State Football Game 
- September 20th (Cost $27)


Everette and Renee DeVan!

This couple has taken there service to another level! They have gone beyond the call of duty and help make our campus an amazing place to be! They are faithful members of our Visitor Lounge Team, always serving with a great heart and attitude. They genuinely care about making our campus shine, and seeing that our first time visitors are well taken care of. Coming early is their usual routine and serving others is of secondary nature to them. Thank you Everette and Renee for your hard work and service. We value and treasure you at the Fresno Campus! 

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