Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, August 16, 2013


Thursday, August 15, 2013

We LOVE Fresno Leaders!

This weekend continues with another great message from Dave Ramsey. Last week people left feeling helped and equipped, and we want to make sure you don’t miss it! Here’s a quick clip to wet your appetite:

Is our money really a big deal? Well, not only does the Bible have much to say about the subject, but check out these startling statistics as you consider that question.

·   One quarter (25%) of people surveyed say they disagree with their partner about money monthly or more.

·   Nearly one-third (29%) of respondents also report that they have argued with their partner about money in the last year.

·   Almost 2 million people over 60 are still paying off student debt.

·   “Couples with debt tend to fight more. They are more stressed about their money and some recent research that I have done even shows that debt is associated with divorce.”

·   1 out of 10 Americans carry student debt.

Not only is this series important for us to be a part of but we need to get the word out to others as well! Everyone knows somebody else that is struggling in his or her finances or is eager to learn about how to make more.

Fresno Leaders this is an opportunity for us to throw out the net! What a great opportunity to get them to church!

This is a great introduction to Celebration for someone who’s never been here, and besides, you know that we’re going to be ending right on time! Who do you know personally that you can invite to church THIS WEEKEND???

Check out DAVERAMSEY.COM for more tools and information. There are a ton of free resources for you to use to take your money to another level!

There is also a free web program called MINT.COM that will help you manage your finances. There are a couple staff members who love this tool!

Thank you Fresno leaders for stepping up and doing an amazing job at the Backpack Outreach. WOW! So many lives were touched and we couldn’t of done it without your hard work and generous contributions. The level of excellence you exhibited last Saturday was off the charts- Celebration truly does have the best volunteers ever! 

To express our gratitude to you, not only for helping at the Backpack Outreach but also for your dedication every week, we will have a special little treat for you in our vibe this weekend! I is going to be a united vibe in big kic, so don't miss it.

Now don’t get your hopes too high- this isn’t Oprah’s Christmas giveaway, but one day we’ll get there!

Kevin and Christine Guida!

The Guidas have both serve with such a great smile and warmth in everything they do. They have had such a willingness to do whatever is asked. Kevin serves on our greeting team, and Christine serves on our guest services team.

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