Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas has passed and the NEW YEAR  is coming!!

Thank you again for all you did to make Christmas Great for not only your family, but for the families you touched through giving and serving these last few weeks! It is our goal to be a generous people and we believe we hit that goal this Christmas!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!


As the new year approaches many people are planning their new years resolutions, or perhaps recapping the "Best of 2013" moments and maybe even trying to forget some of their worst 2013 moments. How about you? Although its never good to live in the past, It'd be a shame to let a whole year pass by without ever stopping for a moment to take it all in. Before we move FORWARD into a new year here are a few questions to ask yourself  as this year comes to an end.

1. What has God done for me this year? 
Take some time and REMEMBER how good God has been to you! We can't forget if we'll REMEMBER.

2. What lessons have I learned this year?
One of the most productive things we can do with the past is learn from it!

3. What would I like to be different this next year, and what am I willing to change?
They say one definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

4. What are my spiritual goals?
Most people eagerly set health, fitness and financial goals, but don't forget the most important part of you...your spirit! Your relationship with God, or the lack thereof, is in direct correlation to every other part of your life and the success thereof.

5. How can I make more of a positive impact in the lives of others?
Being selfish comes natural to us all, but we are meant to live selfless lives that turn people to God .
Matthew 5:16 "... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

God has told us that this is our year to THRIVE, no more surviving, but we have our part to play !! Prayerfully consider your goals for this next year. Leaders have goals, and like Pastor Randy has taught us,
"If you don't have a plan, then you are planning to fail."

Don't even think about missing the first God Encounter of the new year! There's only one way to kick this year off right! Don't miss it!

New Comer Lunch Event
January 19th
Immediately following 11:30am Service
Invite new people you meet!

If you haven't been baptized or know people who want to be, sign up at Connection Point in the Lobby!

Volunteer Orientation is January 26th following 11:30 service.
Please get the word out to the new members on your team!

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