Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year Awesome Leaders! We are so grateful and excited to experience another year with you! We are going to see what we have never seen before this year!! We love you!

                          January 2014!!!

January is here and in full affect! We are so excited about this year and what God is about to do in all of our lives, we hope you are too!
This year we are no longer surviving, but THRIVINGWe really hope that's not just some cute word that tickles your ears, but that you are taking it by force in faith and really believing to see what you have never seen this year!!

Wednesday Night Gatherings

 Don't forget, Pastor Randy is asking us to come together Wednesday Nights in January! We will be fasting together from Sun up to the end of service. These gatherings are going to be very special, we hope you make room in your schedule to press in to what God is doing at the beginning of this year!

                   VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK
                         Lee and Ruth Dussell

Lee and Ruth are an amazing duo on our prayer team! Every week they are helping people and believing with them that God is moving in their lives. They also come to the office during the week and help out! Thank you guys for always lighting up the room when your around and being so loving and willing to help people! We love you and appreciate all you do! 

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