Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, February 21, 2014

We are Moving Forward

  1. 1.
    high respect; esteem.
    "his portrait hangs in the place of honor"

  2. 2.
    a privilege.
    "the great poet of whom it is my honor to speak tonight"

  1. 1.
    regard with great respect.
    "Joyce has now learned to honor her father's memory"
    synonyms:esteemrespectadmire, defer to, look up to; 

  2. 2.
    fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement). 
    "make sure the franchisees honor the terms of the contract"
    synonyms:fulfillobservekeepobeyheedfollow, carry out, discharge,implementexecuteeffect

this is the official definition according to Miriam Webster, but what we learned last weekend was so much more. 
Pastor said it like this: 
"Honor elevates everything around it."

If you are a person of honor God will answer when you pray. Think that this is a bold statement... then look at our key text 1 Chron 4:9 - Now Jabez was more Honorable than his brothers... this is the reason God answered his prayers!

So what does this mean for us? We as the Dream Team get to lead the people in Honor! when Pastor Randy Speaks we pull on the word. We Get excited about the Teaching and we show it. We tithe and give offerings, and we pray for our Pastor that God would give him the grace to deliver the word with excellence.

We want to better equip you as leaders to do better in any area so be on the lookout for more changes coming to the blog, including a new blog page! no longer will you have to remember the super long address to sign on to this blog! Our new blog will be super easy right!  

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Hey volunteers there are just 2 more weekends left in the recruit 1 campaign! Did you know by recruiting you are actually doing the word of God? In his last message to the disciples Jesus told them to go and make disciples. Even as far back as the garden of Eden God told Adam that he was to go and multiply!! We thought that you could use an encouraging word in this aria and one of the best builders of teams on the planet has something to say on the subject.

Check out what John Maxwell has to say about building leadership:

Anyone who has constructed sandcastles knows how fragile they can be. Minutes after they’re made, incoming waves swoop in to swallow them up and wash them away. Sadly, many leaders’ legacies suffer the same fate. They diligently build an organization for years only to see it disintegrate as soon as they've gone.
There is no lasting success without successors. If you do not identify, equip, and develop a leader to carry on the work you have begun, then it’s likely to unravel once you transition elsewhere. As Max De Pree has said, Succession is one of the key responsibilities of leadership.

Training a successor is difficult because they usually make mistakes early on. As the incumbent leader, it feels as if everything will go more smoothly if you just stay in the driver’s seat. In fact, it will go easier. That is, until you leave, and then everything is in danger of falling apart. It may take a successor several months to get acquainted with new leadership responsibilities. While the road may be rocky at first, eventually they will learn the skills needed to lead and can be trusted to successfully guide the organization in your absence.
However, training a successor isn't just a last-minute chore—something to do on the way out the door. Rather, you can prepare your successor now through the character you display, the choices you make, and the seeds you sow.

1) Character

Having character means being and becoming a moral example. As leaders, we teach what we know, but we reproduce what we are. In other words, people do what people see. Integrity—being true to yourself—and honesty—being truthful with others—are two traits essential to character. When your life and work displays impeccable character, then your example will linger on in the hearts and minds of your teammates long after you have departed.

2. Choices 

Obviously, the consequences of our choices have repercussions, but our approach to decision-making also impacts others. To make the right decisions consistently, we can’t let external influence or peer pressure cause us to ignore our conscience and do something unethical. Instead, we must be guided by vision and values. When developing successors, show them how to think clearly about options and how to select carefully among alternatives. That is, share the process by which you draw on your knowledge, experiences, moral conscience, and sense of purpose to make difficult decisions.

3. Consequences

Whether positive or negative, our actions have consequences. Yesterday’s bad choices cause us to spend today repairing the messes we've made, whereas the wise choices of the past position us to take advantage of today’s opportunities. Success is based on the seeds you sow, not the harvest you reap. If you sow wisely and diligently, the harvest is automatic. Sow daily in the lives of others, by adding value to them, and your investment will compound over time.

Thought to Ponder
Whose influence has shaped your life and leadership in a profoundly positive way? What enabled him or her to make such an impact on you?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Truly a Year like no other

I came across this blog today and thought what better than to let everyone in on this little secret....and keep this in mind, that this year is going to be different IF you position your self for the blessing. You position your self by renewing your mind. with that thought check out what Pastor Kong He has to say on the subject of fulfilled promises.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life."
Prov. 13:12

Very often, well-meaning Christians hear the preaching of the Word and they are promised, "that God will fulfill our dreams and visions ... that God will grant us the desires of our hearts."

Yet how many of us have promises that we are standing on, that are yet to be fulfilled?When promises for our lives are not fulfilled, we can become easily discouraged. We also become susceptible to the devil's attacks and may start to doubt God's love and faithfulness toward us.

Too often I have see many discouraged ones grow to despise the Word of the Lord in their lives because of unfulfilled promises, becoming hardened, cynical, negative and full of unbelief.

When I was growing up as a young man in church during the 1980's, I had many friends who were just like me. We had a call, a destiny. We were on fire. Many of us attended Bible colleges and night classes to study more of God's Word.

We all had promises and powerful prophecies given to us. Some of us were prophesied to be evangelists, prophets and have great ministries for the Lord! But time past ... and the promises were not fulfilled.

Some of my peers eventually walked out of God's will for their lives, while others ended up on the sideline watching Christianity as spectators.

Just how did I get through that period of discouragement and wait out the fulfillment of God's promises in my life? How do we get the promises of God released into our lives?


You know, Abraham spent a great part of His life waiting for his promises to be fulfilled."Now the Lord had said to Abram:

"Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you." Gen. 12:1

"So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him ... And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran." Gen. 12:4

Bible scholars tell us that this was not the first time that God called him out. Apparently, the first time God spoke to Abram was 25 years earlier.

Now, what exactly did God promise him? If you will read in verses 2 and 3, you will see that there are exactly 7 promises given to Abram. But most of these promises were not fulfilled immediately.

You see, to become a great nation, you've first got to have many descendants. But how can you talk about descendants when you don't even have a son?

Abraham didn't have his son Isaac until he was 100 years old! God's promise to give him a son took 25-50 years to come to pass!


While the promise of a son took a long time to come to pass, the promise of prosperity was very quickly fulfilled in Abraham's life!

The truth is, prosperity and financial miracles occur most frequently. Yet, the devil deceives us into thinking that it is rare for God to work financial miracles. Just look at the next few verses:

"Then Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, to the South.Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold." Gen. 13:1-2

"Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together." Gen. 13:6

Friends, here is something about prosperity that we don't realize. It doesn't take a lot of faith to enter into prosperity. The money that we put into our offering bucket ... God calls it a seed. The Bible says that when you sow a seed, you'll reap a harvest.

Now, do you think a farmer must be a great man of faith to harvest a crop? No! The power of reproduction is in the seed. If you take a good seed and sow it into good ground ... whether you have faith or not ... it will grow into a harvest!

It doesn't take nearly as much faith as a lot of people think. What does it take to have prosperity in the Lord? It basically takes obedience to His Word!

God says, "Give, and it will be given to you!" The moment that financial seed goes into the ground, there is power in that seed to do the rest of the work. You don't need faith in that seed, you just need faith in the Word!

Entering into prosperity is not difficult: it just takes simple OBEDIENCE to God's Word.Pay your tithe faithfully, give your offerings generously, don't make it a habit to get into debt, keep your life in order. If you observe the Laws of the Harvest, you WILL get a big harvest!While God's promise of prosperity was fulfilled in Abraham's life, the rest of the promises did not come to pass.


There are certain promises that all of hell will rise up to stop from being fulfilled. One of those is the promise of a great nation that will bless the whole world. All of hell rose up to fight that one! Then all of a sudden, 3 simple things happened in Abraham's life.  Abraham responded correctly to these 3 things and saw the "After" come into his life (refer to the teaching from the last night of fasting 1-29-14). When that "After" came, all the promises of God came flooding into his life!

"After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." Gen. 15:1

Abraham had come to a point where he felt like giving up ...

"But Abram said, "Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus? Then Abram said, "Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!" Gen. 15:2-3

If you cannot see it, you will never have it. You can have stacks and stacks of prophecies given to you, but until you can see your vision through the eyes of your spirit ... it will never come to pass! Now, without a vision the people perish. The devil will do his utmost to stop you from seeing the fulfillment of your promise.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Marriage/Relationship Workshop

Make sure to join us on Wednesday’s, February 5th, 12th, and 19th for our 10 Commandments of Marriage Workshop. This workshop will take place on both campuses and we hope that everyone can participate. This Workshop is not just for those that are married, but for anyone that wants to have healthy relationships in their life. So whether you’re single, dating, or married, we will see you there!


This is just a friendly reminder to KEEP INVITING PEOPLE TO CHURCH! We have all had our lives dramatically changed by making Jesus our Lord and Savior, and also by making church a priority in our lives. There are people that you know or see in this city that need what we have. It can be so easy to focus our lives on life’s distractions, but the truth is,God’s heart is all about reaching lost people. Let’s hook up with God’s heart and see a city saved!


Begins tonight!!! Don't miss it. 
This weekend is going to be amazing! Tonight Andrew Nava is speaking , service starts at 7pm. Tomorrow night starts at 6 and Sunday starts at 3 to watch the Game and then service starts immediately after at 7.

Volunteer of the Week

John Babshoff 
John has recently stepted up to lead as a head usher and is always looking at how he can improve the campus. 
Thanks John

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lets Finish January Strong

Thank you so much for signing on to the blog this week!

Our heart in writing this blog is that it would inspire and give you vision not just information.  
Pastor randy recently said that, "Fasting is like going on a date with God." Truly he was talking about you pouring your self into fasting as you would in an emotional, romantic relationship. The beauty of this is that in return God gives himself fully to you as well! Think about it the creator of the universe gives himself fully to you! 

Think about this: 
“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.”
- A.W. Tozer-

The Last Wednesday

With this in mind lets all do what God is asking of us and be ready to see miracles this next Wednesday at our last Fasting Wednesday night service! Pastor is going to be laying on hands and believing for the supernatural power of God in your life so tell everyone, and be the there to receive everything that God has for you. This will be a culmination of a moth of praying, fasting and giving! This is the reward for obedience....the Blessing of God being tangible and operating in your life, don't miss it.

Healing School is Back          

We are giving you the inside scoop on whats coming! Healing school is Back! Starting February 7th Healing school will begin!  Join Pastor Cherie and the G42 School of ministry for these amazing Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am.

Baptisms This weekend!
Pool Party!! You know we throw the best pool parties in the valley. when peoples lives are transformed by the power of Holy Spirit! Come out and support your family that are making this public declaration of faith.  


              We have our Volunteers of the Week. 

Enrique and Lori Loera

This power Couple is stepping it up in their leadership and making our campus a place for people to come and get saved! If you don't know Enrique and Lori, then you are missing out. They always show up with a smile. When he walks on campus he is hard to miss at 6"4', but walking up like a big teddy bear he makes everyone around him feel appreciated and loved. We so appreciate everything they do, but more than that, who they are! Kic is a better place because they serve there.

Thursday, January 16, 2014



Hey everyone! Thanks for reading the blog! First things first, we want to say a BIG thank you for what you do and the sacrifices you sometimes have to make to serve people each weekend! We hope you know there is great blessing and reward for putting God's house first and prioritizing not only being committed to Him, but being doers of His word and being committed to serving each other!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!



Hope to see you this Wednesday Night! If it's in your ability to be there, TRUST us, God has been moving in such a refreshing way at these gatherings that it is not worth missing! You will leave charged, encouraged, strengthened and ready for what ever comes your way!



Andrew Nava is so excited about the ALIVE conference that he bought shoes to match the logo!! HA!
Let's join his excitement and get the word out! This conference is going to impact the lives of hundreds of young people in our city. If your not excited about that, you need a pulse check! That's what Celebration is all about: 
"Awakening a generation to know 
God and make Him known!"
 We need both generations working together, so let's rally behind 2SM and do our part to get students that we know there!



There will be a mandatory class this Tuesday for everyone who is getting baptized next weekend. This class will give you clear understanding about what it means to get baptized as well as all of the instructions for that day.
 It will be at the Clovis campus at 7pm.

We are also having our Starting Point class this Tuesday. If you have never attended, we want to invite you to come! At this class you will learn how to develop a relationship with God and live out your decision to follow Him.
Fresno Campus Suite at 7pm.
*Refreshments provided 

                Volunteer of the Week
                    Candy Rodriguez

Candy has been doing an amazing job at not only greeting guests,but also identifying new guests and assisting them to KIC and the visitor lounge! She has been taking great care of those coming on the weekend and showing them God's love! Thank you Candy for lighting up our campus!

Friday, January 10, 2014


Here are some clips from our morning prayer this week. Listen in as Pastor Randy talks about fasting and prayer.


Don't forget we are fasting in the month of January and going after God with everything we got! Yes, you will get hungry, but that's the point! Take that hunger toward God and let's get closer to Him this month than ever before. We believe as we do this, it will set us on course for a thriving year! As a body we are specifically fasting TOGETHER on Wednesdays and ending our fast with our Wednesday Night Gatherings. We are coming together to pray and seeking God. Pastor Randy will be leading the charge as God directs him on these nights, and we really believe as we gather God wants to show up and touch our lives in a real tangible way. This last Wednesday was awesome, and if you weren't there we hope you will make every effort to come next week! If you have any questions about fasting check out our website, ask a staff member or grab a handout at guest services this weekend!


Also please make every effort to attend our Sunday morning volunteer vibe meeting an hour before service in the Big KIC building across from the sanctuary! It is so important for us to get on the same page for the day and most of all to pray together! Encourage your teammates to do the same! Thanks guys!


Because we love you, because you are special and because you are the best volunteers ever ;) we want to hook you up with a voucher for a free appetizer and $5 off your meal at Texas RoadHouse! 
Go to the volunteer table this weekend, pick one up and enjoy!

                          Volunteer of the Week
                                Ansley Andrews

Ansley is a fantastic team member on the coffee bar team! She is a faithful and passionate team player who is constantly going the extra mile, and doing it with a smile! You can always find her serving coffee,snacks and lots of love at the coffee bar. Thank you Ansley for your heart to serve people, you bring joy to our lives! We love you!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year Awesome Leaders! We are so grateful and excited to experience another year with you! We are going to see what we have never seen before this year!! We love you!

                          January 2014!!!

January is here and in full affect! We are so excited about this year and what God is about to do in all of our lives, we hope you are too!
This year we are no longer surviving, but THRIVINGWe really hope that's not just some cute word that tickles your ears, but that you are taking it by force in faith and really believing to see what you have never seen this year!!

Wednesday Night Gatherings

 Don't forget, Pastor Randy is asking us to come together Wednesday Nights in January! We will be fasting together from Sun up to the end of service. These gatherings are going to be very special, we hope you make room in your schedule to press in to what God is doing at the beginning of this year!

                   VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK
                         Lee and Ruth Dussell

Lee and Ruth are an amazing duo on our prayer team! Every week they are helping people and believing with them that God is moving in their lives. They also come to the office during the week and help out! Thank you guys for always lighting up the room when your around and being so loving and willing to help people! We love you and appreciate all you do!