Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, March 14, 2013

blog 3-15-13

March Madness

We continue this powerful month with another round of the Word of God that is going to change your life forever! Help us in welcoming Phil Munsey this Saturday as he brings a "right now" word. This is not a weekend you will want to miss. We encourage you to invite friends and watch the hand of God move in their lives! See you there.


You would truly be missing out if you do not come on Sunday mornings as Pastor Randy continues his series, Rescued. His voice is what helps this movement move forward. Make plans to be there Sunday!

Volunteer of the Week is...Nikol Fuller!

Nikol is a faithful and enthusiastic member of the guest services team.  We appreciate her warm smile, sincerity, and heart of excellence.  Thank you, Nikol, for your dedication to serve the people of Celebration, and for always brightening our day.

Root Beer Floats this Weekend!

They're only $1 each and all proceeds are going towards our young adults ministry!  So, be sure to get one after service to support a great cause, and make your taste buds happy.

Volunteer Parking

We want to thank everyone for being cooperative with our effort on Sundays to allow the parking spaces closest to the church to remain available for attendees and those who are new to the church.
We're fighting to see growth on our campus, and our desire is to communicate to new people that there's room for them.  Know that we are doing our best to assist you in getting your vehicles parked and transporting you efficiently onto campus.

Easter Weekend

We have added a new service for Easter weekend! In addition to our regular Sunday morning times, we have a Saturday service at 5pm.  Knowing that the 11:30am Sunday service will be packed, consider attending this Saturday service or 8:30am Sunday service to allow room for new people!


If you are not involved with our C-Groups yet, come to the C-Group table after service! We have so many amazing groups, and we're confident there's one just for you. If you have an idea for a group and it's bubbling up inside of you to start one of your own, forms are available on the weekend and Wednesday nights at the C-Group table.  Even if you’re not leading a group, we encourage you to regularly visit the table because we are constantly adding new groups for you to get involved in.

Prayer Target for the Week

Be praying for the leadership of Celebration. Leadership starts at the top with Pastors Randy and Cherie, to the support staff, to YOU, our volunteer leaders.  They lay their life down for us, making our spiritual growth their life's work, so they are deserving, and in need of, our prayers.  Great things to pray for would be protection, health, needs met, and vision.

Thank you for being the greatest leaders a staff could hope for!  We love you.  Let's make this a great weekend!


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