Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, March 22, 2013

blog 3-22-13

Easter Madness

Fresno leaders, we are so thankful for each one of you! We know that this has been a busy season for most of you but your consistent, fiery passion to love God and reach people is absolutely inspiring!


We have an awesome facelift coming to our leadership base to help us take our game to a whole new level: volunteer t-shirts! These sharp-looking shirts will help us stand out and be unified every weekend, bringing a great attraction that will help identify our leaders on campus. The cost for your shirt is $10 (cash, check & credit accepted). Please visit the volunteer table this weekend to order/pay for your shirts so we can have them for Easter!


The Easter Bunny is at our doorstep and this is our opportunity to reach our city! The people of Fresno and Clovis should be annoyed by our constant invites!

If you have ever been a part of our Easter services you know that they are strategically designed to reach people that are far from God. Every song, visual, and light effect are to point people to Jesus, and we want you to know that this will be a fun, safe, environment to bring your family to.

Just a reminder:  As leaders, we are asking that you attend either the 5:00 pm Saturday, or 8:30 am Sunday services.  We know that the Sunday 11:30 am service is the one that most first time guests will attend, and we want to make sure we can accomodate them!  We don't want to turn away a single person this year, so we're asking that you do your part to ensure that won't have to happen.



Really give some thought to who you are going to invite. Who is in your "circle" (your job, school, Starbucks, etc.) that you can invite to come? If it's someone you know, really try your best to get them to go- they have the chance to be eternally impacted!

Make sure to grab some invite cards!
You can also
send someone an e-vite from our church website [Click Here]


This week's prayer target is for all of our Easter Services next weekend! We are expecting great things to happen in these services so let’s all come into agreement that a harvest of souls are coming in and that they would experience God who will radically change their lives forever!



This Saturday- Matthew Barnett! He's got a power-packed message for us here in Fresno and Clovis and we are honored that he would come all the way here to help us. We know that you have been coming to a lot of church but we firmly believe that these are the moments that can change your life! With that said, we will see you this Saturday! :)


Pam generously gives of her time during the week to assist the staff with administrative work, with duties ranging from Word Works paperwork to sanctuary prep.  Her help is invaluable to this ministry.  Pam, we love you and thank you for all that you do!

Let's make this a great weekend!

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