Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blog 8-31-12

This weekend is going to be huge!

The flow is Damon Thompson on Saturday night, Pastor Randy Sunday morning and then Damon is going to finish it all up on Sunday night. Pastor has put a lot of importance on getting people to this Saturday night! If you get them there then Damon will do the rest! This ministry has been so shaped and defined by these Sunday night Services. If you are thinking of going out of town for Labor Day I would change your plans. Not saying that time off isn’t important but hear this, Pastor doesn’t want you to miss the impartation that will be released this weekend!

Next week is the start of our workshop Wednesdays. We are going to have something for the whole Family here on campus. If you’re married then we have your workshop in the sanctuary. If you are single then you have a workshop in the Big Kic auditorium, and of course your children will be taken care of in little Kic. We will also have plates of food for sale before service, so for those of you who are coming straight from work, just bring a little cash for dinner and we will have it all ready for you.

Continue to stir your faith for the harvest. This is our Faith, standing room only every service filled to capacity! For you personally, this should be expectation: show me others who need to be volunteering, God Give me eyes to see them and a heart to perceive, where the next passionate volunteer will come from. God has people who are gifted in your area of ministry and all you need to do is ask them. Show them the vision of serving; help someone else reach for Gods Perfect will in their life. This is how we grow to reach 7000 on a weekend, and this is how a valley becomes Free!

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