Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, August 24, 2012

Blog 8/24/12

Thanks again to those who helped out at the Backpack Outreach last Saturday. The impact we made in the community is immeasurable. Because of your involvement the people there will never forget who our God is, and how much he loves them. You have enabled us to touch the lives of not just those children, but their families, neighbors and friends, as well! What you have done will last for eternity as these people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! And, our involvement doesn’t stop there because we are expecting to see those families again. Please help us be on the lookout for those families that were impacted, in addition to other new families on campus this weekend.  Remember, we have the opportunity to change their eternity by a smile and welcoming conversation. We all have a responsibility to shepherd people!

The Philippines Benefit Dinner is rapidly approaching! If you haven’t purchased your basket yet, then now is the time. As Rick said Wednesday night, you reap the wind! If you weren’t there Wednesday night, then ask someone who was there about the significance of that statement.  Also, there are some pretty awesome raffle items up for grabs so be sure to invite people to join you that evening. Proceeds will help support the team going to the Philippines, and also the pastors of the 27 Celebration Churches in the Philippines. We want to make sure those pastors have the chance to be raised up as the leaders that God has called them to be.
Make sure you don’t miss the next special service weekend with Damon Thompson.  He will be with us on September 1st and 2nd in our evening services, while Pastor Randy will be giving the message on Sunday morning.  Because of this, Pastor has asked everyone to double up, attending that Saturday night and one of the Sunday morning services.  Sunday night will be another can’t miss service, and a great opportunity to invite family and friends.

Applications for G42 School of Ministry are due soon.   If you have prayerfully considered G42 and you believe you are called to full-time church work, then be sure to get your application in.  Also, if you know someone who intends to submit an application, please remind them to get their application in.

Thank you again for your faithfulness and commitment to serve and impact the lives of everyone who comes onto our campus throughout the week.  We love you and look forward to seeing you this weekend!

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