Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blog 8/10/12

We've got great news!!
The fundraising dinner for the philippines has been moved to September 14th. What does this mean for you? More time for you and your team to work on getting a basket put together for the auction, and you also have more time to invite people to come and join in on all the fun! There will be more time to creat that "second to none," atmosphere that Celebration is known for, and larger and more diverse group of items to be auctioned off! Don't miss out; a month will be gone before you know it so get the word out and let's make this fundraising dinner one to remember!

This is the last week to turn in your backpacks for the 3rd annual Backpack Outreach! If you misplaced your list of items to put in the backpack, then here they are: paper, pencils, binders, and colored pencils. Please limit supplies to these items. If you want to do more then purchase a second backpack. There are a lot of good deals going on at Walgreens, DD's discounts and many other places. If you would like more great deals you can check out the Celebration Facebook page and see what people are talking about. We need your help to spread the word make sure people get their backpacks turned in.

We have had a lot of people sign up to volunteer on the 18th but you know what they say, "the more the merrier!" We always have room for you to come and help us reach lost and hurting people in this valley. This years Backpack outreach is going to be the best and biggest one yet! We have food vendors and bounce houses, Fresno PD will be there handing out stickers to the kids, and of course lots and lots of backpacks!! With hundreds of families in attendance we would love it if you come and helped us connect. This is how we show our gratitude for what Jesus did for us, we share his love, and hope for a better life with others. Can't wait to see you there!

This weekend make the effort to get all God has for you, bring paper and pen, and of course your Bible. Be prepared to see God do something new in your life. We are praying as a staff for every seat to be filled to capacity, standing room only! This only works if we have a people with that same vision! Be in service if you aren't serving and if you serve this weekend then pick another service where you can sit in and pull on the Word of God that is being presented from the platform. With all of the new faces coming in we need to have passionate believers controlling the atmosphere, setting the atmosphere for God to perform the greatest miracle of all..... Changing people's eternity! Thanks guys we will see you this weekend.

Last thing,
"Back to school prayer" is going on next Wednesday. Pastor has invited all students and education employees specifically to be a part of this night where we are going to pray over their lives and over this next school year. Mark it on your calendar and get your student to Clovis to be prayed over in this special service.

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