Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, August 17, 2012


 Even if you didn’t sign up to serve, come out and see what Celebration is doing in the community! We aren’t just enjoying this rain for our selves; this rain is for the entire valley! Like Pastor said on Wednesday, "We believe to see Gods best for all of those going back to School. Pray for these three in particular, 1) Gods protection over their lives, 2) Gods purpose for their lives, 3) Gods potential in their lives." If you would please be praying that this would be what every child will receive these things when they take one of those backpacks! Thanks for being a part of reaching the valley

Don’t miss this weekend as pastor continues in "Winning."

This is the perfect will of God and the word for you personally so don’t miss out on this amazing, life changing weekend. While you are there, make sure you are connecting with people and being the arms of the church that embrace this valley.

Thank you for everything you do to make Celebration what it is.

 We love you guys,

Fresno Campus Staff

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