Fresno Campus Volunteers

Fresno Campus Volunteers

Friday, December 16, 2011


Blog 12-16-11
Christmas show:
Okay guys this is HUGE, we need everyone inviting someone! This is an opportunity to see the lost saved. The production will be second to none so you can be sure that anyone coming in will be changed by the power of a loving God.

Christmas day service:
Hey we get the chance this year to gather together as a church body to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We will be having an 11:30 service only, so if the kids are up early then open presents then come to the service. If your family are late risers then come join us for a short service and then take the family home and enjoy the afternoon.

Special service weekend:
Be prepared for a powerful weekend Jan 6th, 7th, and 8th. Damon T. Will be with us and God is going to be doing something great.

Men's, W2, fight club, and treasure chest start on Jan 11th. No matter what age you are there is something for you to plug into.

Last we want to thank you for all of the tireless efforts that you have poured into this ministry, it is because of you that we are able to reach a valley, we would never want to do this without you! Remember to be expecting today and though this season, " Help is here! and the path is clear!" God is doing miracles in this valley believe to see it in your life and in the lives of your family.

Friday, December 9, 2011

This weekend

Hey everybody,

I just wanted to send you some important updates and info concerning the upcoming weeks. It turns out that we will not be doing the Christmas shirts after all. Thank you so much for being willing and ready to support the cause.

Also the Volunteer ball is being postponed until further notice. We ARE doing a Volunteer Victory Party after the whole Christmas Show is over on Sunday, Dec. 18th 6:30pm in Clovis. It happen immediately following their last show at 5pm in the west lobby. Everyone bring a dessert to share!

On another note, we will be having an amazing Christmas Day service for 11:30 only. It will be an hour long service and an awesome way to really celebrate the reason for the season which is Jesus' birth. So let's all come together and honor the King in His house. With the Christmas production coming up, please help us encourage those who are scheduled- lets make sure that everybody is able to serve. We will need full participation in every area. We've had a lot of people sign up but a lot more to go, so let's keep recruiting for the weekend.

This weekend Dec. 11th, we will be having united Vibes for both services. For the 8:30 service all areas will be meeting in Big KIC at 7:30. For the 11:30 service we will be doing our regular Vibes, but we will also have a united vibe 15 minutes after service dismisses in the sanctuary.

AND we're raffling off Christmas Trees $5 a ticket. See the Star Tree table for a representative!

Thank you so much for pouring your lives into celebration!

Fresno campus staff.


-Pastor Randy-

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is what you missed if you didn't come out to Buffalo Wild Wings on Sunday night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We want to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day with family & friends. We also want to say how thankful we are for all that you do for the Kingdom of God by partnering with us to serve here at Celebration.
Hebrews 6:10 (NIV) "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them"
Without you we couldn't do what we're doing. Bigger than that God doesn't forget, He rewards you now and He rewards you in eternity. Celebration is what it is today because of your unselfish willingness to serve. We are thankful for you.
Ps Randy & Cherie

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fresno Campus!! This is it the last two weekends of The Chair Series!! This is your chance to get those family and friends you’ve believed for to come to church. The truth is that this is a perfect example of God's goodness! They will see the way that God is able to turn a broken life around and make it into something great. Don’t miss this chance, it is important to see this correctly. These weekends are for you as much as they are for the lost. We need to focus on the goodness of God! This is the best way to show that to those around you, in a way that is not churchy at all. God wants to show a message of his goodness to the unsaved. Help us greet the lost this weekend, be extra friendly, expect to see the hurting, the broken and those who feel cast aside coming to the saving knowledge of a good God who loves them and has a plan for their future! Right now at Celebration there is more opportunity to get involved in community than ever before! We have outreaches into the community like Star Tree Program and The 99. We have events for young adults and even the young at heart. Get informed so that you can inform! There are people coming this weekend that need, what you have on the inside of you. You are here for this moment in time! Don’t miss your chance to impact someone's eternity! As a volunteer that is exactly what you do when you smile at someone who walks onto our campus this weekend. Also, we have Celebration Exposed this weekend. This is an awesome opportunity to get someone new plugged into the life of this body. Also we have Discipleship coming up soon! So if you have never been, sign up or ask a staff member about how to get into the class. We would love to see you plugged into a healthy pursuit of Christ. That’s what it means to be a disciple (A disciplined learner who is following Christ.) Make sure you are always pushing into a deeper place in your relationship with Christ.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hey Volunteers,
Pastor is going to be continuing this weekend on his series “Is God Really Good.”  Make sure you invite someone that has not heard the message of God being good!! This is what our Valley needs to hear right now, don’t rob your friends or neighbors by not telling them about it. If you have noticed that God is doing something good then you should tell someone about it!!

This weekend you will hear about something called the 99. This is their blurb on the website:

On average, 99 young people between the ages of 10 and 25 die EVERY DAY in the United States."THE 99" is a symbol based on these statistics from the National Center for Disease Control.

THE 99 is a walkthrough theater that graphically reenacts the five leading causes of death in teenagers and young adults. Many of these deaths are influenced by drugs or alcohol and a vast majority of them can be avoided.

THE 99 is a state-of-the-art production designed to portray the very real consequences of poor decisions that claim almost 37,000 young lives every year. The production is not based on fear or scare tactics, but rather is based solely on reality with each room designed from real life situations.

We have the opportunity to come along side this organization and help plug the young adults into a body of believers that will allow their decision to become a permanent one. Please consider helping us out. The training for becoming a volunteer will be held Saturday at 10:30am or on Monday at 6:30pm. If you want more info on it go to

Last don’t miss out on prayer next Wednesday, these nights continue to grow and we are seeing God do amazing things because of it.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hey Fresno Campus, Here is what is coming your way!

“The Chair” airs again this weekend with all new stories! Invite your friends and neighbors, heck invite your Enemies, invite complete strangers and any Family that you are believing to be saved. These weekends are for the lost but don’t think that they are not for you as well.  These videos are life changing because they are spirit breathed and inspired! So weather you have been here at celebration for years or you are just starting to serve, this Chair Series will change your life. Again get out and help us impact a community for Christ.

Wednesday nights are revved up with on the wall prayer. The DNA of who we are is a prayer culture. The amazing thing about this is that these Wednesday prayer nights will be held right here on the Fresno Campus. This gives us the ability to go to battle for our own territory, at our own campus. Make sure you are here for these powerful nights of worship and prayer. Feel the power of God changing this valley through the word of God we release from OUR mouths. So come out ready to use your voice, weather you are praying in the spirit, coming up and praying over a prayer target or just sending out the prayer of agreement to what is being prayed in an intercessory prayer!

This was a recent email from Pastor in regards to the chair:

Dear Friends,

The greatest opportunity to win your family and friends is going to take place over the next two weekends with our Chair Series.  These are real stories, from real people who were touched by a real God. These are people ,who like you, sit in a chair every weekend. These life changing testimonies are told directly from those affected. I am asking you to partner with Cherie and I by bringing new people to church. I believe that if you get behind this effort, we will see God move in a mighty way.  Cherie and I are expecting for God to bring many to salvation.  If you and I will do our part to get the people here, I know that the Spirit of God will do His part to open their hearts to Jesus Christ.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Pastor Randy

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fresno, here we come!

Fresno Leaders! Owners! What's up!

The Fresno Staff is ecstatic about running with you every week. And I'm not talking about the kind of running your hairy P.E. teacher made you do in middle school, I'm referring to the awesome effort each of you are putting in to advancing the kingdom of God. Keep doin' what your doin'! It's working! We may not see every bit of sacrifice and hard work you put in, but God certainly does. The Bible says that God will not be mocked, whatever a man sows, that is what he will reap. We are excited to see an awesome harvest reaped in your life :).

Below are a few updates to keep you informed and pumped about what's going on- Bon Appetite!

Beautiful September is almost complete, but the party isn't quite over yet! Here are a few events to participate in:

• Rummage Sale
New Fresno Campus
Saturday, September 24th, 7am-12pm
Come out and buy people's..........stuff, to help raise money for our new building!

• Invite Challenge
Fresno Campus
Thursday, September 29th, 6:30pm
Let's see our city saved! So many just in our neighborhood are lost and hurting- you can be the one to change that...

• FSU vs. BSU Game/Tailgate
Fresno State Stadium
Friday, October 7th, 5pm (ok, technically not in September)
$25 per person (food and ticket)
This is an event for the whole family! Come support our Fresno State Bulldogs and hangout with the coolest people in town! (Celebration folks of course)

Wednesday Nights have about as much ZING and POW as the old school Batman series, so if you've been missing the action don't worry, you can still tune in. We've got three more sessions left of our Workshops that you can join in on and I don't know if I'm supposed to say anything, but rumor has it that our next Men's workshop will be one of our best ones yet- and that's saying a lot!

There are just some things in life you don't miss. Like your child being born, or a job interview, or how about your first high school date with Toddy the Hotty??? Well this coming Friday night prayer service with Damon Thompson (September 30th) is a service you don't miss. It's that simple. Your bowl of cereal and T.V. will be waiting for you when you get home I promise, but it's imperative that you don't miss your moment! Pastor always says that life is made of moments and this is a weekend that we are crossing a finish line. We are stepping into a new season and we want you there for it. Even if you are scheduled to serve don't let that keep you from releasing faith- these promises are for you, just as much as they are for the rest of the congregation. Let's have some BIG faith for this BIG, BIG weekend!

Join the fun of our Invite Challenge. Nothing on earth is more satisfying than seeing people come to Jesus Christ and you can be a part of the army of people saturating our city with invitations. Gas stations, restaurants, soccer practice, the office- all places that you can slip an invite card into the hand of an unsuspecting bystander or friend. Not so that they can experience a church, but so that they can experience a real, tangible relationship with the God that created them...that's what it's all about.

We are so glad you took the time to read this blog and stay updated with your Fresno Campus. However, there is one last step we would like you to take. When you have a chunk of time (30-40 min.) please do yourself a favor and listen to Matthew Barnett's message called, "Finding the Cause Within You." This powerful message will fuel an empty soul and cause the dreams you have to come to life. Our staff was rocked the day we listened to this and we want to share it with you. So here's the link- Bon Appetite!

Finding the Cause Within You (number 10)


Fresno Staff

Friday, August 5, 2011

Special service weekend!

Hey Fresno Volunteers,

This week we wanted to remind you that the that Sunday is the last day to sign up for G42 so if there is anybody that you know that is wanting to be a part then make sure you let them know to get their application in.

Pastor is starting a new series this weekend so come with high expectation that God has a word just for you!! Pull on the word with all of the faith you can muster:-) Damon will be in Clovis Saturday night and Sunday night so make the trip out to the others side of town and get the vision of what God has in store for you!

Last don’t forget about the backpack outreach that is going on make sure you get your backpack and school supplies for our community outreach.

Ps. Keep up the resistance we are winning!!! Second domino is up!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hey Fresno volunteers!

This Sunday we are going to welcome our newest team members transferring over from our southeast campus by throwing a party!! That’s right starting at 5’0clock we are kicking off a Fresno campus volunteer meeting!! It is super important that you be there as Pastor Rick casts vision for our part in this finishing season. We will have ice cream and toppings available for you to enjoy as well so grab dinner before you come. The meeting will go from 5-6:30 Sunday evening, and it will be in the main auditorium. Again this is for every volunteer on the Fresno Campus so please spread the word! we wanted to let you know that child care will be provided! Your managers do know about it but we want everyone to get a fresh shot of vision this weekend see you there!

If you haven’t made it out to Wednesdays your missing out Pastor is talking about the resistance! Worship has been awesome and the word that God is giving pastor is exactly what you need to succeed in this finishing season. See you Wednesday night, 7pm :-).

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Volunteers

Remember that we have some southeast volunteers on your campus now so be friendly and make them feel at home.

Don't forget that this Sunday is the last day to pay for your golf game!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Exciting Week!

Wow this has been an awesome week! After hearing pastors message on, “Exhausted but Still in Pursuit,” last weekend, we know that we are right where God needs us to be… Pursuit! Then Wednesday he took it even further and showed us that we have to have space to be in pursuit. The word and worship have been extremely powerful, so if you haven’t been coming to our Wednesday night services, you should.

With this season of growth there are shifts that need to be made to strengthen our two hubs. Pastor is pulling in the resources of southeast to strengthen the Fresno and Clovis Campuses. It is necessary to have all hands on deck in order to win at the mission at hand. That also means we will need to make room for additional volunteers as they will be transitioning to our campus. Make sure you are here this weekend as Pastor lays out a game plan with more details for the next phase that celebration is moving into. God is steering the ship and it is an amazing time to be a part of Gods plan for this valley.

Last thing if you are reading this tonight then make sure you click on over to the celebration web site and sign your kids up for Face time. Were offering a special price for online registration: $30 per child, if you sign up tonight! This could be where your child receives the calling for the rest of their life! We hope to see your kids there.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hi Volunteers, we're looking forward to a another exciting weekend at our Fresno Campus!!! Fresno Campus staff would like to thank all volunteers that help out during the Levitz (New Fresno Campus) cleaning day last saturday. Here's a couple of pictures of that day!


Domino Effect is on it’s 3rd week!

All volunteers (except Security & Ushers) will be dressed in black w/ white dots like a domino.

We’re selling Fireworks!

Located in the parking lot on Shaw with Costco Gas & Pep Boys. We need volunteers! Hours to volunteer are from June 28th-July 4th. Sign up in our lobby to participate in raising money for Celebration.

Games & Goodies
      Calling all Women! Games and goodies is a Fresno Campus womens event on July  7th at 7-9pm. We will fun games running(Wii, Play staistion, Catch phrase and much more)!! Also, yummy treats will be provided for the night! Cost is only $2 July 7th, 7pm-9pm. Sign-Ups in lobby. 18+yrs/high school graduate or older. There will not be any childcare.

July 3rd at Woodward Park

No Sunday Night Service! We’re doing a United Campus BBQ & Park Day! Located at the Mountain View Picnic Shelter in the park. $5 entrance fee per car. We’re providing burgers & hot dogs, so bring your side dishes!  Bring your family/friends, park games, even lawn chairs and blankets if you wish!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What's Next

Hey hey hey Fresno volunteers!!!! Thanks for another fantastic weekend, and all your hard work! Extraordinary Expansion and a finishing season is coming our way, lets continue to put pressure on the word we heard this last weekend for our Campus and personal families!!!
      ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! This weekend starts the Domino Effect Series!! Pastor Randy will be charging us with a new series and releasing vision for this movement and our next step!!! Make sure you don't miss out on the next few weekends and this powerful message!
    -All volunteers need to wear ALL BLACK!! This weekend Pastor is launching the Domino effect series, his vision is to put emphasis on the Domino! Fresno Campus will be filled with Domino's from the stage, lobbies, and  even the people. Yes! Help us make this statement by wearing black, and we will be providing white circles(dots) for your weekend outfits!
                    Baby!!!! Baby dedications are coming up on Wednesday, June 15th at the Clovis location!! If you or someone you  know has a baby that you would like dedicated see guest services for more info!!!

     Thank you Fresno Campus we appreciate you!!! Lets have an amazing weekend!

       -Campus Worship Director, Autumn Young!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Vision Weekend!

Hey Fresno Volunteers,

We are so excited about this up coming weekend! We are going to be building your teams with vision for volunteering. After service there will be a Volunteering Fair set up in the lobby with applications for people to get connected. Some other things we have on campus are our outreach opportunities. We are partnering with the Fresno Food Bank and collecting cans of food. Fresno is one of the leading cities in this nation with 17% unemployment. Bring out some cans of food, or a cash donation, and help us in supporting the local needs of our community. For every one dollar that comes in they can purchase up to eight dollars worth of food! Wow! This is another way to make the most of what we have and making an impact!

Another outreach that we have available is helping the Fresno Memorial Gardens. We will be putting Flags out for Memorial Day! We have the opportunity to assist them in setting up flags next to the graves of those who have given their lives for our freedom. There are two volunteering spots available on Monday, May 30th. The first is 7am-11am for flag set up, and  the second is from 5pm-8pm for flag folding.

Also don't forget that we are still supporting the orphans in Honduras. Be Their Hope is still going to be selling t-shirts for $10 and wrist bands for $5. All proceeds will be going directly to the orphanage for them to be able to dig a well that will provide clean water.

Men, we have a men's meeting with Damon Friday, June 3rd! Women, we also have an event coming up for you that will be announced soon, so be looking out for it in the upcoming weeks.

In all we have going on we still are keeping our focus on souls this weekend, so let's drive this weekend with excitement! Continue to push with us in creating an irresistible atmosphere for people as they come onto our campus. We look forward to seeing you this weekend and we are believing for God's favor in your lives as you continue to make this the easiest place for people to get saved in our nation! You Guys Rock!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello Team!

Simply wanted to give everyone a few updates before the weekend. So first and foremost this weekend is MOTHER'S DAY!!! Men dont forget that this is your day to get extra brownie points and show how awesome of a mom your wife or mother is! So to help out we will be selling flowers for $2 a piece at our Sunday morning services. Also baby dedications are coming up and we will have sign ups available on campus. We also wanted to take the time to express again the importance of Wednesday nights to your spiritual growth. This is the night that Pastor has dedicated to maturing the house and it's crucial that we all attend it so that we can better serve our guests on the weekend. Ultimately we are grateful for your involvement and committment and our aim as a staff is to equip and serve you as best we can. We love you and are committed to your well being!

The Fresno Campus Staff

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank you!

Hey team!
We hope that you had a good Easter! We just wanted to say thank you all SO much for all that you guys did to make the Easter Shows such a HUGE success! All the hard work that you guys did, from passing out invites to rehearsing hours on end to cutting cardboard, really paid off! This weekend our campus was busting at the seams with people visiting Celebration for the first time. As a special thank you to all of you, Pastors Randy and Cherie have decided to give you all tonite off from service so we can all get "reacquainted with the family" ;) and rest up for this coming weekend. Don't forget that this weekend is going to be another big weekend. Many of the visitors we saw this weekend will undoubtably be returning so it is important we are ready to roll out the Red Carpet to our usual weekend services. Then the party continues on Sunday night at the Clovis campus with Glen Berteau! You won't want to miss it. One last thing... as you heard this weekend, we are partnering with Fresno Food Bank to feed our community. That is starting this weeknd! So bring your cans of food and someone new with you to church this weekend. And remember, just because Easter is over doesn't mean that people stopped needing to hear the truth of the word of God. So who is still out there counting on you this weekend????
Love you all very much!
The Fresno Campus Staff

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

THIS = LOVE has come to Fresno!

Ok guys so the countdown is on only 3 days left until THIS=LOVE. We are standing in a window of opportunity to see souls saved in this valley. As a church we are believing for 7k total this weekend. Now we need your help, time, prayers, and influence to reach this city. If we each do our part we can and will see lives changed! I was able to preview the show last night and it was life changing for me, I believe it is going to impact every person that walks through the doors.

We need to fill up our added services:
Saturday night 5 pm
Sunday morning 8:30 & 11:30 am

We believe that every family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, and stranger you've invited is going to fill a seat. Remember, Who's counting on you? It should be our passion and desire to invite people everywhere we go. Just like we learned this weekend once we've been rescued we should turn right around and radically rescue others. We believe this weekend 7 thousand people will meet the Rescuer. So lets fill every seat this weekend and win this city!

P.S. Don't forget to wear your red shirts this weekend :)

-Rick & Fresno Staff

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lets Finish Strong

Hey Team! Let's Finish Strong. There's only one week left until the Easter Showing so let’s step up our game and get the word out bigger than ever before. Please check the calendars for the next Blitz day and join us! Every moment you spend reaching lives will bring a return to you and your family! The goal is to pack out every show. Let’s hit our mark and then some!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Door Hanger Update for 4/2/2011

Hey Team! Door hangers for Saturday has been postponed. See you next Saturday! Excitement is building.... 22 days!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's April Y'all!!!

Hey Team!! April starts tomorrow and the countdown is on! Only 23 days left until the show launches! Here is a calendar of days we are planning on heading out into our community. As Pastor Rick said in his post earlier this week, we are desperate for souls to be saved in this valley... I challenge you to keep your shirt clean and in your car ready for "activation". It could come in the form of a text message, a phone call or on one of these planned days. As you saw in the video from yesterday, we are already out and about hitting the pavement and we have noticed that the more shirts there are, the more people wonder what we are doing. Whether you are outgoing or shy, this is YOUR valley! ARE YOU DESPERATE? Let's get 'em guys!

Love you all!
Allie and the Fresno Campus Staff

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lets Go Get Em

Desperate For Souls

Ok team,

When was the last time you were desperate for something? I mean really deperate, as if life and death hinged on your efforts or lack thereof. Pastor Randy said something to us the other day that really caused me to re evaluate my thinking. He said "we need to be desperate for reaching lost souls." I honestly dont think I've been desperate for a cause before. In an effort to make this adjustment I have aggressively searched for a better understanding of this. I'd like to share with you what has impacted me thusfar. The word desperate means this:

DESPERATE: (adj) having an urgent need, desire, making a final, ultimate effort, giving all.

Now in light of this definition, read what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 in the "Message" Translation.

19-23 Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever. I didn't take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ—but I entered their world and tried to experience things from their point of view. I've become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn't just want to talk about it; I wanted to be in on it!

I hope this helps you adjust your thinking in being desperate for souls. Lets be on mission wherever we are. Love you

Rick and the Fresno Campus Staff

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello Team!

HELLO Fresno Campus Volunteers! Allie here! I just wanted to say THANK YOU! With your help and prayers, hundreds of lives were touched by God this past weekend and their lives will never be the same! As I stood over by KIC watching as families came to have an encounter with God this weekend, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride well up inside of me as I watched many of you escorted people across the parking lot with umbrellas. Many of you had wet feet and cold hands as you sacrificed your own comfort to touch the people coming onto the Fresno Campus. This past weekend, we had an amazing amount of connect cards turned in and I am confident that those decisions had a lot to do with the experience that the people had beginning as soon as they drove their cars onto the campus. From parking cars to passing the offering buckets to ministering to kids, God uses EVERYTHING that you do to draw people unto Himself. I am so excited for what lies before us as we continue to grow and are able to influence a greater amount of people on the Northwest side of Fresno. The new Fresno building sits before us waiting to be the stomping grounds for numerous signs, wonders and miracles.

Don’t lose sight of the promises that were spoken to the body of Celebration; salvation of 21,000 people, a Latino revival and freedom in the valley! The mandate of Celebration gets even more defined as direction comes to the leadership of Celebration. Thank you for your patience and support as we change and develop the structure of Celebration to connect to what God is doing and is going to do through us in this valley. Your involvement in the ministry teams of Celebration and what you do within your own personal realm of influence is an integral part of achieving that mandate. Without your prayers and dedication, it would be much harder for Celebration to do what it does and reach as many people as we are able to. Each weekend, the names of the people that give their lives to Christ are on your account. The breakthrough that you are believing and asking God for is right around the corner. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:13 that when we seek God we will find Him when we seek Him with all of our heart. Continue to run after God! God is so much bigger than the problems that you are facing. Your decision to give God your time, talent and treasure is at work for you; even at this very moment as you are reading this.

Again, THANK YOU for everything that you are doing week in and week out. I am honored to be a part of the team that is impacting lives here at the Fresno Campus. Be in GREAT expectation for this coming weekend. New people ARE going to be on campus and people ARE going to be healed, delivered and set free.

It is going to be a great weekend! See you Sunday!

Allie and the Fresno Campus staff

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obedience Provides Opportunities

Hey Team!

     I hope your week is going well. I wanted to share with you guys an experience I just had that has really challenged my thinking in regards to ministering to people in our community. This experience has helped me see the push from God to reach people a little more clearly and my hope is that it will help you identify those moments for yourself when God places them in front of you.

     Yesterday I woke up a little earlier than normal and thought to myself, "I feel like grabbing food on the way to work today and a coffee to boot." So on my way to the church, I made a stop by the Starbucks on Palm and Herndon. I first went into Starbucks to order my drink because if there's anything I learned about Starbucks, its that it is one of the busiest businesses to visit during the morning hours. My thinking was to order the drink and then sneak over to Subway for breakfast while it was being made. So after ordering, I went next door to Subway because I absolutely love their breakfast sandwiches on flatbread. If you haven't had one, I would seriously encourage you to try it because it's flippin amazing! When I walked in, there was a little old lady in front of me just beginning to order her sandwich. She looked about 70+ years of age but did not look feeble or weak by any means. She reminded me a bit of Betty White in apperance but not so in personality. She was quiet and to herself but kind looking with a smile on her face and a gentle demeanor. Mind you, this is all first impression. While her sandwich was being made, I found myself analyzing and checking my spirit man asking God if there was anything I needed to do while I was in the store...

     Before I continue as to what happened, I want to give a little background on what God had been dealing with me about prior to this. About two weeks ago, God began to remind me of some things that I used to do very well when I first began to passionately pursue Him. The thing He had me pay attention to most was my former eagerness to be used by Him wherever and whenever He saw fit. What I mean is, I used to be in the habit of asking God in my spirit man if there was anything He wanted me to do in the moment that I was currently in. I mean wherever I went I would ask Him, "God, is there anything I can do for you in this moment? Is there anyone around me right now that You want me to talk to or bless or help? Holy Spirit, Your Word says you lead and guide me into all truth and that I am your Ambassador on this planet bringing people the news of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19-20). I am your mouthpiece and Your servant, simply speak to me and I'll do it." Every time I asked Him this, HE ALWAYS had an assignment for me, without fail. Time and time again I saw people's lives touched because of that obedience to His direction. God reminded me of those instances and how I often came to Him with a willingness to be His tool, and as a result of those reminders, it compelled me to stir that up again.

     So back to the story... I asked God if there was anything that I needed to do right then in the midst of the people around me. As I looked at the lady's sandwich about to be complete, I heard in my spirit, "Buy her meal." That command sounded simple enough, but the enemy is good at throwing a bunch of negative thoughts against that to try and persuade us to be disobedient. He tried doing that with me, but after a quick 5 second check, I thought, "Cool, I get to buy her meal!" When it was finally pulled up to the cash register for purchase I said, "Ma'am, can I buy your meal?" She stumbled for words and looked at me kinda puzzled and very surprised. The following conversation went like this:

Her: "O no please you don't have to do that."
Me: "O but I would love to."
Her: "WoW...ok well thank you very much..."
Me: "Absolutely! It is very much my pleasure to be able to do so!"
Her: "What makes you want to buy my meal?"
Me: "You know......I just feel compelled to do so...."
Her: "Well thank you sir, that is very kind of you."
Me: "Absolutely, it is my pleasure."

     As she began putting her money away in her purse, I swiped my card and stepped back to give her space. As I did, she turned to me and said these words, "I'll bet you didn't even know my brother just died and I'm going to his funeral right now." It was at this moment that my heart dropped and I could see tears beginning to come down her cheeks. Here's how the following conversation went:

Me: "WOW, I had no idea!......... Were you two close?"
Her: "O YES very close actually."
Me: "Im so very sorry to hear that...."
Her: "Ya in fact my sister died this year too.......It's been a rough year for me so far."

     At this point, I'm at a loss for words and don't know what else to do or say, so I stepped forward and embraced her for a moment before she thanked me again for buying her sandwich. I told her of course and that I will be praying for strength and peace for her. She said thank you and said "Maybe I'll see you again at this store." I responded with a "Yes, absolutely," and watched her walk out and leave. Immediately I thought "WoW, that's what the obedience was for and the Holy Spirit checked me and showed me something about obedience that I had never seen prior to this. He showed me what my response should have been when she shared that her brother had just died. Instead of me sympathizing with her and saying "I'm so sorry", I should have said, "No, I had no idea that your brother just died, but the God whom I serve did and He asked me to buy your meal so that I could express to you how much He loves you and cares about you and sees your grief and He wants you to know that He's with YOU!" That's what she needed to hear!!! But the problem was that up to this point, I had always viewed obedience as something that I DO to show God that I'm His. I thought obedience was for me to benefit from. WRONG!!! When the Holy Spirit showed me what I should of said, I immediately saw that obedience isn't for me, it's for the person I'm reaching out to. Think about it, what opened the door for her to share her pain with me, a total stranger? MY OBEDIENCE TO SERVE HER!!! It tore down walls quicker than anything else I could have done in that moment. Obedience to God's leading is a tool that creates a moment of trust with the person you're reaching out to. That moment creates an opportunity for you to speak the Truth of God's Word to their hurting situation without any hinderances because their walls have come down.

     The point of this whole event is this: We are ALWAYS on MISSION!!! Wherever we go, we should walk around with an "On Duty" mentality. WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!!! We have a hope that people need to hear about! Our mission is 2 Corinthians 5:19-20. Our obedience to God's leading is a tool that allows us to share the truth that we've received to anyone we come in contact with no matter what their background is or whether or not you can relate with them. Let's make sure that when we go about our day, wherever we are, we ask the Holy Spirit if there is an assignment that we have while we're there and if there is, understand that the obedience we display is a tool that paves the way for us to speak the love of God into someones hurting and dying situation! We are the light within our areas of influence so let's live selfless and watch God win a city through us!

Tyler and the Fresno Campus Staff

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Lucky Strike

Listen up y'all! Are you single and sick of it? Are you fed up with always being the third wheel? Well, guess what!?! You aren't alone! Celebration is hosting something called "The Lucky Strike" for all the lonely or not so lonely single people out there. It is Sunday, March 20th. Come find true love, a brand new friend or just have a blast bowling. Sign up this weekend at the table in the outdoor lobby. The cost is just $20. Hey... You never know, anything could happen.......!